It' no shocker that the Clinton's are such power hungry pigs that they'll stop at nothing and stoop to their lowest just to get it. This little gem I found tells of how Hillary Clinton who wants the White House so bad that she had one of her aides tell a Barak Obama donor that if they(the Obama donor) donate to her presidential campaign they(Obama donor) would have access to her convention here is the link to the story:
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Another Hollywood liberal who woke up
Watch this great video of a former Hollywood Liberal who woke up and realized just how wrong his former Democratic party is.
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Thursday, March 29, 2007
Clinton Kool Aid drinkers all the same no matter which US state they live in
Here is an editorial letter from a typical President Bush hater/ Clinton Kool Aid drinker I found in The Huntsville Times newspaper in the state of Alabama I read many of these type of letters from this newspaper but this one I decided to post just to show even more that Democrats such as these are evil,lie to ram their agenda into our faces,dictate by saying it's either their way or the highway and blame everything bad in their lives on President Bush and Republicans so here it is:
Wasted breath on Bush
I wonder how Republican spin doctors will twist this one: The House passed a war spending bill, with the addition of setting withdrawal dates from Iraq.
This is something, that according to polls, the majority of Americans want, and President Bush has promised to veto the bill. Regardless of what the Fox News crowd will say, that is cutting off funds for our troops in Iraq.
If Bush vetoes the bill, he will be telling our troops, not only does he not care when they come home, but he does not care if they have funds for equipment, food, ammunition and armor, and he will once again tell the American people that he does not care what the people of this nation want.
Spinsters will say a Democratic House passed the bill, because "Democrats do not want us to win in Iraq." Our military won the war in Iraq within weeks of being there. Lives, American values, America's standing in the international community and money have been what we lost thanks to Bush's ego and inability to do his job.
You can call him president. I will not; he does not deserve the wasted breath.
Wasted breath on Bush
I wonder how Republican spin doctors will twist this one: The House passed a war spending bill, with the addition of setting withdrawal dates from Iraq.
This is something, that according to polls, the majority of Americans want, and President Bush has promised to veto the bill. Regardless of what the Fox News crowd will say, that is cutting off funds for our troops in Iraq.
If Bush vetoes the bill, he will be telling our troops, not only does he not care when they come home, but he does not care if they have funds for equipment, food, ammunition and armor, and he will once again tell the American people that he does not care what the people of this nation want.
Spinsters will say a Democratic House passed the bill, because "Democrats do not want us to win in Iraq." Our military won the war in Iraq within weeks of being there. Lives, American values, America's standing in the international community and money have been what we lost thanks to Bush's ego and inability to do his job.
You can call him president. I will not; he does not deserve the wasted breath.
Update:University of Florida Senate committee re-thinks gives honor to Governor Jeb Bush
The link to the story:
if that link don't work here is another one:
if that link don't work here is another one:
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Senator Feinstien's resignation from MILCOM committee after war profiteering ethics probe is a sign of guilt alone
So Senator Feinstien's resignation doesn't mean she's guilty! A play by play which will be what we'll here from the Clintonites if this story gets any mention from the liberal media who labeled Dick Cheney a war profiteer when Haliburton got a no-bid contract to help re-build Iraq of course this is always the attitude of the Clinton media when it's a Republican(s) that are involved. Anyway here is the link to the story of Senator Feinstien and her hubby along with his company getting probed for possible war profiteering :
Monday, March 26, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Bet the farm that the Liberal media ignores or reports very little on the U.S Census's flubbed-up figures on uninsured Americans
For the past years I've been saying that the numbers on uninsured Americans was are greatly inflated or as the U.S Census is saying in this latest report:"overstated" just another one of those fancy smancy Bureaucratic cover-up words to use in place of the real reason which is " We made an error in our tally of uninsured Americans that we've been reporting for the last decade."In this report you'll read about a revised total of 44.8 million as opposed to the 46.6 million(the wrong figures) that's been reported. And even though we now have an updated total how do we know that these tallies aren't wrong? The fact is we don't and will never know just exactly how many uninsured Americans there but magically the liberal media will have the exact numbers and present them to be true. However with this latest story I would wager my paychecks for the next two years that the media that constantly froths because they think they have the goods on President Bush will either ignore this story or do very little reporting on it and when they do expect them to spin it towards the advantage of the Democratic party.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Two Sudanese women sentenced to death by stoning for adultery yet Rosie and Mavis Leno run and hide
Two Sudanese women were sentenced to death by stoning because they were found guilty of adultery.When an American woman is found guilty of adultry thankfully the end result most of the time is either forgiveness or divorce rather than pysical abuse or murder. When I read this story:,22049,21420283-5001021,00.html I wondered if Rosie O' Donnell who spewed that she felt bad for Khalid ShiekhMohammed AKA KSM and believed that he had no 9-11 involvement. She then attacked her Conservative co-host Elizabeth Hasselbeck for calling Khalid Sheikh Mohammed a terrorist claiming it robs him of his humanity. Of course this is just your typical liberals showing just how much they support their terrorist friends and how bad they loathe America the country that gives them the freedom to say anything at any given time they please mind you insulting is the only these wogs do best because to ask questions like"Rosie how do you feel about those 2 Sudanese women about to be stoned to death because they committed adultry?" But then again asking questions to Rosie that requires a direct honest answers is like trying to get Dan Rather to admit that the Kinko copied President Bush National Guard documents that he thought the American people would buy into are fake. Instead she's worried about the well being of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed a terrorist, and could care less if these two women die.And I wonder just how Mavis Leno wife of Tonight Show's Jay Leno who was advocating for getting Afghan women freed and now that they're free what about these 2 women and why haven't we seen Mavis on TV concerning the Iraqi women and how she now feels that Saddam Hussein,his henchmen and even more blood thirstier sons Uday and Qusay have been exterminated for good. Don't get me wrong I think Mavis's heart is in the right place however, she has yet to say how she feels about the Iraqi women that are now free.My guess is that like her husband Jay she's a liberal and even though both will never admit it you just know they are. I remember the days when Jay Leno constantly threw his mean-spirited remarks at Linda Tripp and now he's doing it with President Bush and what's worse while we're at war. That type of behavior is not only supports terrorism, it's unpatriotic and de-moralizes our troops the very ones responsible for Mr. Leno's freedoms.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Final Jackie Mason video on the Democrats and the Liberal media
The final Jackie Mason video on Democrats and the liberal media.
More Jackie Mason videos on Democrats and the Liberal media
As I promised here is Jackie Mason video on Democrats, and the Liberal media enjoy!
Jackie Mason: Another great Jewish American patriot
Here's one of several Jackie Mason videos as usual hits the nail on the head when it comes to the Democrats,their media and politics!
Here is the link to the video:
Here is the link to the video:
Monday, March 19, 2007
Is IHOP(International House of Pancakes) kow towing to the America haters?
My friend/co-worker Marianne Patino and I took my dog Barbie a Peekapoo to get groomed at Pets Mart since it was going to be awhile before she was done, we decided to eat breakfast at tge IHOP(International House of Pancakes) restaurant which wasn't far from the groomer.Behind their register, hung on a wall was a lighted American flag made from Christmas tree lights Marianne had enquired to a staff member(s) a couple of times if she could order one for purchase but got no response from the staffer or whoever it was that made them. Before we checked out Marianne said that when we entered the restaurant she noticed that the American flag made from Christmas lights that was hanging up behind the register was missing. The first thing that entered my mind,you guessed it politics played a role in it. I plan to write the company and ask for what reason did they take it down. I hope I'm wrong but when I get a gut feeling about something(s) that I don't want to be true it usually is true. After I get a response from IHOP I will post it rest assured until God bless and have a great day.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Toxic Gorebage's royalities from zinc mines leases on his farm rake him in over $500,000
Nothing surprises me about ex Vice-Screecher Toxic Al Slumlord who's proclaimed over and over how environmental he is and now has to(weasel his way out of) explain why he took money(royalties) from owners of zinc mines leases on his farm. Here is the link to the story:
As for the coverage it will get well you guessed it don't hold your breathe because if you're waiting for the liberal media to cover a negative story about one of their own especially Al Gore for get about it!
As for the coverage it will get well you guessed it don't hold your breathe because if you're waiting for the liberal media to cover a negative story about one of their own especially Al Gore for get about it!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Another tragic drunk driving death meanwhile anti-tobacco groups continue to ignore alchohol dangers and carry on with their war on cigarettes
No way am I condoning smoking but as a former smoker I stand with them because there is a movement in this country to do away with tobacco totally from criminalizing it to getting tobacco companies and any business that sells tobacco products to close. These anti-tobacco groups better known as Democrats along with frivilous lawsuit fiends attorneys and their client(s) that are suing for the sole purpose of staying out of work(looking for a free ride) and a nice hefty bank account made possible by the blood of smokers,tobacco companies and establishments. The strikes against smokers are attrocious California no shocker may pass law that restricts smokers to their cars. The hypocritcal part of all this is the people advocating for these reject laws that clearly are a part of dictorial agenda are the very same ones that want marijuana de-criminalized. You know if these anti-smoking groups, their memebers and lawmakers took all the energy they're using to pass strict laws that are for the good of their state starting with child molestors,rapists,murderers, habitual law breakers,drunk drivers and illegal aliens along with fighting terrorism they just might earn the respect of the American people. And speaking of drunk driving it's baffling how alchohol that's caused more deaths per year than U.S. soldiers getting killed in Iraq mind you those numbers are fudged by the left and their friends in the media. Which brings us to the subject of the nincompoop left,their sympothisers on the right,knee jerk politicians and organizations as well as their talking bobbleheads either refusing to rail against alchohol or by just barely talking about strict laws against it. As long as I can rememeber cigarettes and not alchohol is the only bad habit coming under fire. Don't get me wrong I'm in no way suggesting for people to and start sueing alchohol companies.What I am saying is that I would like it very much to hear Democrats, their groups,politcians and talking heads that are clearly the culprits behind these ridicculous anti-smoking laws to at least admit that drunk drivers are extremely dangerous not only to other drivers but to themselves as well. Here is a story from The Huntsville Times about a young girl who was killed back in 2003 by an 18 year old drunk driver the sentence that this judge passed down as punnishment will infuriate you as it did me here is the link to the story:
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Another reason not to shop at Target stores
As if their refusal to allow the Salvation Army to do their annual Christmas bell-ringing donation stands in front of their stores now they're allowing their Muslim cashiers to refuse scanning any pork product(s) that their customers put up on their conveyer belts. Link to the story: It's no secret that Mideasterners despise pork any form of it,they won't eat it or even touch it which brings me to the question: Why would anyone who won't eat or touch any forms of pork get a job as a cashier knowing that many of their customers will have pork products in their carts waiting to be scanned and paid for and why would Target hire these people knowing this?
Saturday, March 10, 2007
As if we didn't see this coming:Chuckydoll Schumer blames President Bush for Walter Reed fiasco ignores real culprit: bureaucratic incompetence
Alright so how many of you already predicted before hand that Chuckydoll Schumer and the Democratic party were going to pull the "it's all Bush's fault" card concerning the Walter Reed fiasco? My guess is all of you did and why was it so easy to come to that conclusion? Simple Democrats are easy to predict in everything they say and do. During his phone conversation with Don Imus clearly not a President Bush supporter and whose show I don't watch never will deserves kudos for not only sticking up for our Commander in Chief but for not allowing Senator Schumer to give his Democratic party a free pass. A woman called into Sean Hannity's show the other day and said that when she worked at Walter Reed back in the 1990s the situation was the same. But don't tell the the party who after they got their power back promised to "drain the swamp!" doesn't matter to them in their pea-brains it's the fault of Bush and his administration. Anyway Don Imus deserves kudos and here is the video
Friday, March 09, 2007
New blog added
Here is a new blog I've added here is the link: feel free to check it out. feel free to check it out.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Just a reminder:Democrats saying Saddam had WMDs
As the "Bush lied about Saddam's WMDs" crowd continues on with their mission of ways to destroy and embarrass the president and our country. And how quick they try to deter the minds of the American people away from the fact that many of their politicians said the same thing(s) and yet they still stand directly behind them especially their hero Bill Clinton who had the gall to tell Chris Wallace "Get that smirk off your face!" and admitted what's been known for years when he said "I failed to get Bin Laden" because he did. Here are some classic videos of Democrats who said Saddam had WMDs yet are now calling President Bush a liar:
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
A little reminder to the Democrats Plame wasn't covert
The Scooter Libby verdict was 4 counts of pergury but the main one that Democrats wanted to stick was outting a covert CIA agent and it didn't why? Because Valerie Plame was never covert here is the link to the story Note: Victoria Toensing who was chief councel for the chariman of the Senate Select Committee of Intelligence at the time is the person talking in this interview.
Here is the portion of the article that backs up Republicans charge that Plame wasn't covert when her name and occupation were revealed. Toensin, now a private attorney in Washington, says Plame most likely was not a covert agent when Rove referred to her in a 2003 interview with Time magazine's Matt Coooper. The federal code says the agent must have operated outside the United States within the previous five years. But Plame gave up her role as a covert agent nine years before the Rove interview. According to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof. Kristof said the CIA bought Plame back to Washington in 1994 because the agency suspected her undercover security had been compromised by turncoat spy Aldrich Ames. Rove, according to Cooper's notes,apparently was trying to warn the reporter not to give credence. to Wilson's investigation because he had no expertise in nuclear weapons and was sent to Africa on the recommendation of his wife. Wilson has claimed he was sent by Vice-President Cheney. Toensing says that on the contrary, the CIA gave Plame a desk job in which she publicly went to and from work,allowed her spouse to do a mission in Africa without signing a confidentiality agreement and didn't object to his writing an op-ed piece in the New York Times
about his trip.
Here is the portion of the article that backs up Republicans charge that Plame wasn't covert when her name and occupation were revealed. Toensin, now a private attorney in Washington, says Plame most likely was not a covert agent when Rove referred to her in a 2003 interview with Time magazine's Matt Coooper. The federal code says the agent must have operated outside the United States within the previous five years. But Plame gave up her role as a covert agent nine years before the Rove interview. According to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof. Kristof said the CIA bought Plame back to Washington in 1994 because the agency suspected her undercover security had been compromised by turncoat spy Aldrich Ames. Rove, according to Cooper's notes,apparently was trying to warn the reporter not to give credence. to Wilson's investigation because he had no expertise in nuclear weapons and was sent to Africa on the recommendation of his wife. Wilson has claimed he was sent by Vice-President Cheney. Toensing says that on the contrary, the CIA gave Plame a desk job in which she publicly went to and from work,allowed her spouse to do a mission in Africa without signing a confidentiality agreement and didn't object to his writing an op-ed piece in the New York Times
about his trip.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Democrats only pretending to froth over Libby verdict really wanted Cheney
Finally the verdict is in and Scooter Libby was found guilty on four counts of obstruction of justice(perjury) (lied to the jury) gee kind of like an impeached sex-crazed ex-president who claimed that "he did not have sexual relation with that woman Ms. Lewinsky!" As if we didn't know that perjury would be the only thing they could hang on the ex-lawyer of Marc Rich and now ex- former aide of Vice-President Cheney who according to the story below was the one who brokered the deal with Bill Clinton to pardon his client Marc Rich who was being charged with racketeering. The story I'm providing comes from Washington Post that no doubt is liberal but, this time I felt they were fair in this article this particular one anyway. Washington Post story:Cheney Aide Had Worked On Marc Rich's Behalf THE WASHINGTON POST
The person largely responsible for key legal arguments cited in Marc Rich's successful pardon application isn't Jack Quinn, President Clinton's former White House Counsel. It's I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, a longtime Rich lawyer who is Chief of Staff for Vice President Dick Cheney.Since 1985, when he left the State Department and was recruited by former Nixon White House counsel Leonard Garment, Libby spent countless hours reviewing legal documents and interviewing witnesses in a search for cracks in the government’s tax evasion indictment of Rich, according to sources. “He spent the next two years traveling around the world,” said a person familiar with his work.
“He’s the best lawyer of all the many lawyers who have worked with me or for me,” Garment said. “On this case, he didn’t give in to anything. He was constantly skeptical and helped me reach the conclusion that we had a meritorious case” to present to New York prosecutors in attempts to negotiate a settlement.
Libby was convinced that Rich was a victim of an overzealous prosecution that inappropriately used federal Racketeering statutes, known as RICO, to squeeze him and his companies, sources said.Between 1989 and 1993, Libby served in the Pentagon when Cheney was secretary of defense. As soon as he went back into private practice, he resumed his role as the specialist in the Rich case.
After I learned some time ago that Scooter Libby was Marc Rich's lawyer after that I lost my respect for the man however, Democrats now dancing with glee(pretending) that this man was charged and convicted didn't mind then that he was Mr. Rich's attorney and that it was he who is responsible for getting Mr. Rich who should've recieved a hefty jail sentence a get out of jail free for lifetime card.Yep the hypocrites are at it once again but rest assure even though they are stark raving happy outside deep down they're steaming hot because the main one they really wanted was Vice-President Cheney Scooter's former boss and it didn't happen because even after he testified there was nothing the prosecutors could charge him with. Fact is Mr. Libby wasn't even charged with exposing Ms. Plame because she wasn't covert at the time never was. And it's like Rush Limbaugh said everytime they refer to Valerie Plame the word CIA employee not agent. So there you have it folks Bill and Hillary Clinton's friend Ms. Plame may not have been an agent and knowing the Clinton's I don't trust them and their friends. In the end I hope Scooter Libby is exonerated ,but if the court goes the same way it did yesterday then he will be going to prison for awhile.
The person largely responsible for key legal arguments cited in Marc Rich's successful pardon application isn't Jack Quinn, President Clinton's former White House Counsel. It's I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, a longtime Rich lawyer who is Chief of Staff for Vice President Dick Cheney.Since 1985, when he left the State Department and was recruited by former Nixon White House counsel Leonard Garment, Libby spent countless hours reviewing legal documents and interviewing witnesses in a search for cracks in the government’s tax evasion indictment of Rich, according to sources. “He spent the next two years traveling around the world,” said a person familiar with his work.
“He’s the best lawyer of all the many lawyers who have worked with me or for me,” Garment said. “On this case, he didn’t give in to anything. He was constantly skeptical and helped me reach the conclusion that we had a meritorious case” to present to New York prosecutors in attempts to negotiate a settlement.
Libby was convinced that Rich was a victim of an overzealous prosecution that inappropriately used federal Racketeering statutes, known as RICO, to squeeze him and his companies, sources said.Between 1989 and 1993, Libby served in the Pentagon when Cheney was secretary of defense. As soon as he went back into private practice, he resumed his role as the specialist in the Rich case.
After I learned some time ago that Scooter Libby was Marc Rich's lawyer after that I lost my respect for the man however, Democrats now dancing with glee(pretending) that this man was charged and convicted didn't mind then that he was Mr. Rich's attorney and that it was he who is responsible for getting Mr. Rich who should've recieved a hefty jail sentence a get out of jail free for lifetime card.Yep the hypocrites are at it once again but rest assure even though they are stark raving happy outside deep down they're steaming hot because the main one they really wanted was Vice-President Cheney Scooter's former boss and it didn't happen because even after he testified there was nothing the prosecutors could charge him with. Fact is Mr. Libby wasn't even charged with exposing Ms. Plame because she wasn't covert at the time never was. And it's like Rush Limbaugh said everytime they refer to Valerie Plame the word CIA employee not agent. So there you have it folks Bill and Hillary Clinton's friend Ms. Plame may not have been an agent and knowing the Clinton's I don't trust them and their friends. In the end I hope Scooter Libby is exonerated ,but if the court goes the same way it did yesterday then he will be going to prison for awhile.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Bobby Byrd video saying "niggers" twice in his interview with former Fox News reporter Tony Snow
Here is the Tony Snow/Bobby Byrd interview video I promised to post.
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Sunday, March 04, 2007
Coulter doesn't owe Breckgirl Edwards an apology
You have to hand it to Ann Coulter who tells it like it is even though many conservatives have condemned her while most liberals are still busy crucifying her why? All because she said the word "faggot" when talking about presidential Democratic candidate Breckgirl Edwards who didn't seem to think anything of it when at the third presidential debate his former running mate Hanoi John Kerry said the word "lesbian "to Vice President Cheney when discussing his daughter Mary who continues to come under attack by the party that tolerates people like Bobby(kkk sheets) Byrd(droppings) who said "niggers"twice post 9-11 Hillary that used the word "plantation" on the senate floor. Here is the Youtube link to the video of Senator Byrd's famous interview with then Fox News's Tony Snow our currant White House Press Secretary the next post will be of the same Youtube video for those of you who are unfamiliar with Youtube and how to play their videos you just go their website and click on the video of your choice viola! After that come and view this rare gem that you'll never see nor hear about from the liberal media.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Iraq,Anna Nicole,Walter Reed, tornados: Further proof the myopic liberal media has an obsession with lies ,hating Bush,death and destruction
Before I get started on what's going on in Washington and around the globe let me first start off by saying RIP Anna Nicole Smith who was finally laid to rest today. Originally I wasn't going to discuss Anna's death which turned into a huge circus thanks to the media who should have had a gag and ban order put on them by the judges or at the very least high officials associated with the case.Now that she is laid to rest and the constant bickering over where her body should be buried is over for now at least don't count on the liberal media letting it go until developments surface. And speaking of dead bodies notice that the Bush-hating media has done very little reporting on the deaths concerning the recent tornadoes? Of course this isn't shocking to hear constant reports about U.S. soldiers or Iraqis getting killed in Iraq while keeping the tornado death report toll to a bare minimum or better yet don't report it at all.Now with the latest reports on Walter Reed Hospital the if it bleeds it leads ,hate Bush /America/U.S military /Saddam loyalist media and their ilk have something else to brainwash the American people with and oh how they are spinning it!. Recently Bill(Moron) Maher said that he was "Sorry that the assassination attempt on Dick Cheney failed" NewsBusters link with video included to the story and this mental case continues to ask why his show was yanked from regular TV and shoved on HBO a once respected cable channel. After the tornado hit the school in Enterprise,Alabama one reporter asked the reporter on the scene this typical anal question: "Were there any bodies pulled out?"Then as I predicted the usual half-baked question "How do you feel?" was asked to either an eye witness or victim of the tornado. Nothing surprises me with the media anymore nowadays, unless there is blood-shed,death and destruction it isn't worth mentioning in their view. Even with their viewership and subscribers fleeing from them faster than David Geffen backing Obama instead of Hillary that has scads of hard liberal supporters especially Hollywood running far from her due to the fact that she is trying to pony up support from both the anti-war crowd and pro-war crowd but guess what nobody is buying into it and duh as if we couldn't have guessed it. I can prove endless cases that the main stream media isn't on America's side and wants total failure in Iraq and the war on terror mostly, but the majority of this country is well-aware of it. The fact that they continue to turn to alternative news sources from outlets that give both sides of the story and not just one to talk radio and blogs etc... backs up what most of us media hawks have been saying for years that news stations,papers and magazines we trusted to bring us the truth was corrupt all along with liars and turncoats who deceive us everyday at any given minute.Because they chose this path to go down Americans now have other places they can go to get the facts and until they clean up their act(yeah right) we the truth seeking bloggers will be right here to report on it because unlike the fossilized media we care about each and every American citizen.
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