Nancy is Hiding Something
A must see for all Americans
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Dumping on Kramer: Liberal media refuses to ask if African Americans hurled racist remarks at Richards first.
Alright so we've seen the video of Michael(Kosmo Kramer) Richards over and over and of course like most people after viewing it my first thoughts were "Wow this guy has gone off the deep end and should apologize!" But then the next day after watching it one more time I thought to myself "Did these African American hecklers sitting in his audience(shills) throw any racial remarks either directly at Mr. Richards or did they make them towards the white race henceforth causing him to react that way?" This is the question that since this incident occurred to my knowledge has yet to be asked however, if it's been asked then I'll stand corrected,admit I was wrong and applaud the Clinton media for actually doing their jobs. But as usual my gut feeling is I won't have to apologize due to the fact that the very same media who along with Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and every looney toon black left-wing organization are all looking to crucifying Mr . Richards yet they continue to give Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle etc... a free pass on their racist diatribes. This solidifies even more what media critics myself included have been saying all along. And that is if it's anything that damages the Democrats and their supporters especially liberal Hollywood and clearly this situation does just that the liberal media refuse to ask the real questions,have their puff piece one on one conversations with the subjects they consider to be victims.Then they attack the person(s) Michael Richards subject(s) racial slurs to take the focus off the real culprit(s) African American hecklers who are being treated as if they are the victims when in reality Mr. Richards (the actual victim) whose career definitely in freefall will be tarnished even more thanks to the media who turned Senator Lott's innocent comments at Senator Thurmond's 100th birthday into racist remarks then climbed all over him yet totally ignored Senator Robert KKK Sheets Byrd Droppings after he twice said on national TV the N word.My final prediction is that after the dust settles we will find out the liberals and their media again used the double standard card against Mr. Richards who I do believe will have the last laugh maybe not right now but later on down the road.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
More swamp cleaning Pelosi won't take on: MSM ignores DNC corruption:Coors gets arrested with DUI but Patrick(get out of jail free) Kennedy walks
There's no question the liberal media will try their hardest to cover the story of the arrest of Pete Coors and his DUI charge but will fail because the Israel/Palestine/Iran battle is way too huge now and will continue to dominate all media outlets. Oh and how they are gritting their teeth and saying" If only Patrick Kennedy could have been this lucky the evil Republicans wouldn't have have attacked him day after day." Yes it's true folks Pete Coors was incarcerated and charged with DUI but the only difference is he was arrested and given a sobriety test, two things that Patrick Kennedy weaseled his way out of. At no time did he blame it on Ambien, or smack the cop and claim that he(policeman) knew who he was and stopped him only because he was white.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
BBC: The brand name toilet paper all Bush/America -hating ,Saddam loyalist Brittish trust
BBC:The #1 most trusted toilet paper of all -America/Bush-hating Saddam loyalist Brittish
Hello everyone I'm back after a well-deserved break and with the 2006 election just eleven days away I'm good ,ready and excited because I have all the confidence that Republicans will retain the house and senate.For the record I always thought from the beginning when the left started getting cocky by claiming victory when the election isn't even here yet and no votes have been cast that Republicans had nothing to fear for this is just another re-peat of 2004 and 2002 where Democrats and their media did exactly then what they are doing now and that is pre-maturally claiming victory. And speaking of the liberal media here is yet another bogus story(hat tip to put out by none other the BBC( Brittish Bull Crap) so you see folks the cut and run party whether it's the NYT,CNN,BBC, Al-Jazeera have endless means of getting their propaganda out. Here is the direct link to the original story and here the link to the doctored story liberal bias the Brittish way
Hello everyone I'm back after a well-deserved break and with the 2006 election just eleven days away I'm good ,ready and excited because I have all the confidence that Republicans will retain the house and senate.For the record I always thought from the beginning when the left started getting cocky by claiming victory when the election isn't even here yet and no votes have been cast that Republicans had nothing to fear for this is just another re-peat of 2004 and 2002 where Democrats and their media did exactly then what they are doing now and that is pre-maturally claiming victory. And speaking of the liberal media here is yet another bogus story(hat tip to put out by none other the BBC( Brittish Bull Crap) so you see folks the cut and run party whether it's the NYT,CNN,BBC, Al-Jazeera have endless means of getting their propaganda out. Here is the direct link to the original story and here the link to the doctored story liberal bias the Brittish way
Monday, November 20, 2006
Democrats will tell America their ideas when Hezbollah and Hamas stop their regime of slaughtering Israelis

Election 2004 has long been over but I still wonder to this day what John Kerry and the Democrats stand for. Day after day from their politicians to their Monday night political quarterbacks all they do is parrot the same boring Democratic yamming points"What Bush and Republicans didn't do" to "What they should've done." It's like they actually believe they are in the White House not Republicans who by the way never get a word in edgewise when debating Democrats and it infuriates me because as I sit there and continue to watch these fools are being allowed to take over every media outlet. Because of this I've almost stopped watching cable news who who keeps hiring such left-winged Bush-hating moonbats such as Marvin Kalb, Carl Bernstein of all people Geraldine Feraro and Jerry Springer Yikes! And what's with these 1 on 1 conversations on Hannity and Colmes that consist of subjects having nothing to do with the subject that should be discussed. For example: Alan Colmes interviews Hillary Clinton and doesn't even ask not one challenging question like why her husband refused the offering of Osama Bin Laden on a silver platter by the Sudanese government. In the nutshell Democrats only plans are to as always keep spewing their hate,lies and to forge on dumbing down whatever little Americans they can pretty much like the way Hezbollah and Hamas continues to tell their people that Israelis are thieving murderers that deserved to not only be killed but wiped off that map.
Sunday, November 19, 2006

Saturday, November 18, 2006
Here they go again:More propaganda from the liberal media
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to the same conclusion that millions of Americans came to long ago and that is the liberals and their media support terrorism no matter where on the globe it exists. This latest story continues to solidify this fact: link my require copying and pasting.
Friday, November 17, 2006
And Democrats want to know why the US Military constantly votes Republican.
Another heart-breaking story about our great military being attacked by the Democrats AKA Baby Killers:
Unwelcome in American PubsPosted By Grim
Reader Robyn E. Giacoletti writes from Bisbee, AZ, where her son received a similar "welcome" to that of the Royal Marines below. She forced a letter of apology from the bar owner, and the firing of the bartender in question, but the story is still stunning.
Her letters are below the fold.
Her first letter:
Hi Grim,
I read your posting today about the Royal Marine being refused service in a local pub. My son was refused service in his hometown when he showed his military ID. He was home after his 1st deployment to Iraq (he has been 2 more times) over the 4th of July. I will never get over what happened to him. I did raise hell and the bartender was terminated but the damage was done as far as my son looking at his hometown the same. I was ashamed. He was also called a baby killer by someone in the very same bar that saw his ID…….Unbelievable. I find myself getting upset once again writing this. I have nothing but the deepest respect for what our fine young men and women are doing; they should not have to put up with some of the garbage they are facing. Nothing makes me angrier or more ashamed of some of my fellow Americans. Thank you for what you do, it gives me hopeJ God Bless America and our soldiers. Robyn Giacoletti
Robyn E. Giacoletti
I wrote to ask for permission to publish the details, and she replied as below. (Her first sentence is a result of my having begun my letter, "Ma'am.")
Please, call me Robyn…thank you for your response. I live in a small town called Bisbee. After the mines closed we inherited, um, how do I say, many of the 60’s throwbacks. There are weekly protests against the war and anything else they can think of. Our hometown newspaper is a joke, liberal BS at its worst. Front page news was when one of the locals went and joined the horrible Cindy Sheehan during her 1st summer protest. I don’t even buy it anymore. My town is so changed from when I grew up in it as well as my children. The name of the establishment is the Copper Queen Hotel Bar. I did receive a letter of apology from the owners but as I stated before, the damage was done. We are proud of our son, I have pictures of him everywhere here at work as well as pro-military signs, etc. right next to ‘Lan Astaslem’, I will not submit…..and I won’t….thank you again, and of course, I would be honored to have you publish the details, people need to know what really goes on. Thank you for getting the truth out there, this is one military mom that really appreciates it.
Unwelcome in American PubsPosted By Grim
Reader Robyn E. Giacoletti writes from Bisbee, AZ, where her son received a similar "welcome" to that of the Royal Marines below. She forced a letter of apology from the bar owner, and the firing of the bartender in question, but the story is still stunning.
Her letters are below the fold.
Her first letter:
Hi Grim,
I read your posting today about the Royal Marine being refused service in a local pub. My son was refused service in his hometown when he showed his military ID. He was home after his 1st deployment to Iraq (he has been 2 more times) over the 4th of July. I will never get over what happened to him. I did raise hell and the bartender was terminated but the damage was done as far as my son looking at his hometown the same. I was ashamed. He was also called a baby killer by someone in the very same bar that saw his ID…….Unbelievable. I find myself getting upset once again writing this. I have nothing but the deepest respect for what our fine young men and women are doing; they should not have to put up with some of the garbage they are facing. Nothing makes me angrier or more ashamed of some of my fellow Americans. Thank you for what you do, it gives me hopeJ God Bless America and our soldiers. Robyn Giacoletti
Robyn E. Giacoletti
I wrote to ask for permission to publish the details, and she replied as below. (Her first sentence is a result of my having begun my letter, "Ma'am.")
Please, call me Robyn…thank you for your response. I live in a small town called Bisbee. After the mines closed we inherited, um, how do I say, many of the 60’s throwbacks. There are weekly protests against the war and anything else they can think of. Our hometown newspaper is a joke, liberal BS at its worst. Front page news was when one of the locals went and joined the horrible Cindy Sheehan during her 1st summer protest. I don’t even buy it anymore. My town is so changed from when I grew up in it as well as my children. The name of the establishment is the Copper Queen Hotel Bar. I did receive a letter of apology from the owners but as I stated before, the damage was done. We are proud of our son, I have pictures of him everywhere here at work as well as pro-military signs, etc. right next to ‘Lan Astaslem’, I will not submit…..and I won’t….thank you again, and of course, I would be honored to have you publish the details, people need to know what really goes on. Thank you for getting the truth out there, this is one military mom that really appreciates it.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Show your support for Isreal
By placing this pro-Isreal banner onto your website or blog you ensure that these people who have came along way since the end of WWII including almost having being wiped out totally and have been fighting to keep Palestine from stealing a strip of land that was rightly given to them after the Holocaust. From sand with their hands Isrealis built -up their country to what we see today. Naturally the liberal media is having a hay day with this because they and continues to show their support for Hamas and Hezbollah and now it's looking more and more like the Qana collapse and deaths were staged here's the link to the story this is no surprise in fact it's very similar to what Democrats are pulling on Republicans while at the same time defrauding Americans who were long ago fed up with the shananigans of these broken records. It's also not a shocker to hear that Iran allegedly may not only have had a huge hand in this conflict but possibly are the culprits who caused it.
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