Election 2004 has long been over but I still wonder to this day what John Kerry and the Democrats stand for. Day after day from their politicians to their Monday night political quarterbacks all they do is parrot the same boring Democratic yamming points"What Bush and Republicans didn't do" to "What they should've done." It's like they actually believe they are in the White House not Republicans who by the way never get a word in edgewise when debating Democrats and it infuriates me because as I sit there and continue to watch these fools are being allowed to take over every media outlet. Because of this I've almost stopped watching cable news who who keeps hiring such left-winged Bush-hating moonbats such as Marvin Kalb, Carl Bernstein of all people Geraldine Feraro and Jerry Springer Yikes! And what's with these 1 on 1 conversations on Hannity and Colmes that consist of subjects having nothing to do with the subject that should be discussed. For example: Alan Colmes interviews Hillary Clinton and doesn't even ask not one challenging question like why her husband refused the offering of Osama Bin Laden on a silver platter by the Sudanese government. In the nutshell Democrats only plans are to as always keep spewing their hate,lies and to forge on dumbing down whatever little Americans they can pretty much like the way Hezbollah and Hamas continues to tell their people that Israelis are thieving murderers that deserved to not only be killed but wiped off that map.
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