Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Message to Slap Happy Cynthia McKinney: Your arrogence,stupidity and lack of leadership again caused you to lose re- election

Let's see now the last time Cynthia McKinney lost her last election her father Billy blamed it on the 'J e w s." Now John Evans former campaign manager of the now ex - bitter babbling "Bush caused 9-11" conspiracist representative kook is blaming it on the Georian voters(folks) who are "white and "uppity black " Read about this story at: http://news.yahoo.com/s/realclearpolitics/20061219/cm_rcp/the_uppity_slur?45 This is just another plu perfect example that Democrats and are racists that can't stand defeat and don't mind when their party plays the race card but when a Republican does it then it's wrong. I just wonder how the congresswoman and her ex campaign manager felt if congressman J.D. Hayworth who lost his election had uttered that racial phrase using the words blacks and hispanics Oh My God! But thank Heaven it's over and the reject is out of office and how very sad that it was her arrogence,stupidity and lack of leadership and not the good people of her district that caused her to lose re-election.

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