Democrats were heard screaming all over the globe that President Bush and Vice-President Cheney shouldn't have behind closed door or as they called it"secretive" meetings with Haliburton. A company that is currently helping in the re-building of Iraq or as Democrats see it the company that's helping Bush,Cheney and their cronies profit off the war. As I sit and listen as these cowardly defeatists demonize Haliburton on a daily basis I clearly remember how they demanded that the president make the meetings open to the public,media etc... Oh and speaking of war profiteering and being secretive notice how quiet the left and their sock puppet media have been since one of their precious members Diane Fienstein was caught red-handed(thanks to conservative bloggers) and as a result had to give up her cushie seat on the MILCOM committee because ehem one of her hubby's companies like Haliburton and the many other companies are helping in the re-building of Iraq as well.Anyway with the president 2008 candidates making their rounds(telling the voters what they stand for on each issue(Republican) dare I or anyone ask the Democrats where they stand on issues? Well according to DNC Chairman Howard Scream Mengele Democratic presidential candidates would be "frankly" about the issues with voters during meetings if the media was banned. OK Howie so it's alright for your party members who are running for the White House to hold secretive behind closed door discussions on issues that will have an effect on us,our family,friends and neighbors yet it's not ok for our president and vice-president and Haliburton to do the same thing that is perfectly legal.How about this Mr. Chairman your candidates want and need our votes to become our president in order for them to do so they must discuss all issues with the media and we the Americans who are taking in their every word and watching all their actions.And as anti-media as I am it's very sad when the DNC chairman blames the media as to why his candidates aren't honest er "frank" with us on the issues. To date there hasn't been a single Democratic presidential candidate,representative,senator,talking head or any member of the DNC that has 1. Yet to present their plans to America 2.Can't answer a simple yes or no question or any question for that matter without bring in President Bush and blaming him for what's happened EX:Even after President Bush told Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco a Democrat to call for a state of emergency during Katrina she refused to do so but yet it was Bush's fault that all the kaos caused by inept Louisiana politicians ie Ray(Chocolate City) Nagin, John Braux, Mary Landrieu etc..
3.Will never admit when they are in the wrong from lieing to committing a crime
4.Never step down from office when caught with the goods or at the very lest EX:"Dollar" Bill Jefferson Louisiana rep was caught with 90 grand stuffed in his freezer and has yet to spend any time in prison.5.Will bring up Watergate and Iran Contra Papers(Nixon and Reagan) and accuse them of being the biggest crooks that caused alot of America's political problems but then forgets er ignores the fact that Jimmy Carter sat on his hands as Iran held Americans hostages for 444 days. They also ignore Sandy Burglar who was caught stuffing 9-11 documents in his socks and jacket committed a crime that should've landed him in Leavenworth but instead plea bargained and only got community service out of it.Keep in mind President Nixon resigned only because he lied to protect peoples jobs it wasn't as if America getting blown up was at stake.6.Will refer to stories from reporters and newspapers that have been proven to constantly lie in their reporting as being a "reliable source" knowing they aren't.7.On a minute by minute basis site poll after poll on the president's approval rating from news outlets and organizations that were proven over and over to be liars.8.Will always bring up cost of Iraq war but don't mind taxpayers footing the bills of their worthless politicians office re-decorating.9.Will never say anything positive about President Bush yet say "We don't hate him just his policies!" again knowing that they truly loathe Bush in everything he does from walking to sitting.10.Refuse to admit that the media from cable news,local news,newspapers and magazines are solidly in their corner and will never expose them or their cronies yet will splash a story(ies) all over the front page or will make it their top news story.And even if it's a meaningless story like Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson that were proved to be liars over and over again.This is just a partial list of today's Democrats and what they are really about.
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