Monday, December 03, 2007

Senator Maria Cant"Lead" Well staffer sought tryst with a young boy

Imagine that another Democratic scandal involving a staffer of one of their prominant senators seeking sex with kids one would think that after Democrats having one major orgasm after another over Mark Foley who by the way used to be one of them would at the very least tell Senator Maria Cant"Lead"Well who we all know will play the Hillary "Bribethem" Clinton "I had no idea" card.And yes you heard it right Maria Cantwell who I'm sure several times along with the rest of the Democratic hypocrits attacked Republicans over Mark Foley who at least stepped down unlike Cantwell's staffer who should have done the very same long before this story broke.But then again that's Democrats for you they're allowed to keep their crooks in and free from criticism and for a special reward they help them get re-elected"Dollar" Bill Jefferson AKA Mr. Freez,Ted Kennedy etc...

Here is the link to the story:

Hat tip:Drudge Report and The Smoking Gun

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