Here is a letter from yet another angry Iraq war veteran Paul Couturier who has had enough of the Democrats every word in his letter is 100% correct and I applaud and support him and all of our brave soldiers that have heard nothing but horrible remarks about them as they constantly put themselves in harms way so that we can enjoy our freedoms that these radical Islamics so hate us for.This letter is very long but well worth the read.
Angry Iraq Vet Says “Enough!”
Filed Under (Military, Iraq War) by Kit Jarrell on May-5-2007
(I received this in an email from one of my readers/listeners. Reprinted with permission.)
My name is Paul Couturier from North Attleboro, MA. I’m a proud Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom (served there with the Massachusetts Army National Guard in 2003-2004, OIF1), and I AM ANGRY!
I’m angry at anti-military Sen. Ted Kennedy for voting AGAINST the now-famous $87 billion, while hypocritically insisting he supports the troops AT THE SAME TIME! I’m angry that he wants to pull the troops out BEFORE the mission is completed! His hypocrisy makes me sick! I have no doubt that his brother President John Kennedy, a Navy hero of WWII, is turning over in his grave in anger over his younger brother’s traitorous hate speech against those currently fighting the war on terrorism!
I’m angry at anti-military Sen. John Kerry for insulting me and my brother and sister OIF vets by insinuating that we are uneducated because we “got stuck in Iraq”! I’m angry at him for also voting against the now-famous $87 billion AFTER he voted for it! I’m angry at him for insulting every Soldier who has been LEGITIMATELY awarded the Purple Heart. He wrote himself up for three Purple Hearts for a few scratches when he was in Vietnam; WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?
I’m angry at my anti-military Congressman, Jim McGovern of Massachusetts 3rd District. I had the opportunity to meet him face-to-face, one-on-one, about a month after I had returned home from Iraq in 2004. He too voted AGAINST the now-famous $87 billion, yet he had the balls to tell me TO MY FACE that he supports the troops! (Fortunately my body armor didn’t depend on that vote!) DID I MISS SOMETHING HERE?
I’m angry at the anti-military media for not reporting the whole story about what is REALLY happening in Iraq! I’m angry that they’re not reporting stories of Iraqi children getting much-needed immunizations by Army medics; of Army engineers repairing roads and other infrastructure; of Soldiers tossing out bottles of water and packaged food items from their passing Humvee’s to hungry children on the side of the road (so much for the UN’s “oil” for “food” program”); of Soldiers going into schools and orphanages to distribute various school supplies, toys, and sports equipment donated by good folks back home. Instead they choose to report the assassinations of American Soldiers to boost their ratings and sell more newspapers. They suck at objective and fair journalism, but are real good at math when it comes to the Soldier body count! (They probably don’t know what the terrorist body count is because I don’t think they can count that high!) I’m convinced that CNN has camera crews sitting out in the middle of the desert just waiting for the next IED to go off, while just down the road they could be filming Iraqi children getting their immunizations from Army medics. Not to mention the fact that there are so many acts of heroism being performed by the troops that aren’t being reported either! At least in southern Iraq, where I was stationed, the people there have welcomed us with open arms!
I’m angry at the gutless, demon-possessed, anti-military extremist cowards in our very own country who are getting a disproportionate amount of media coverage to spread their hate-filled speech (even though they are an extremely small minority). They obviously don’t have any relatives or close friends who were assassinated on 9/11 by brainwashed ragheaded terrorists, because if they did they’d be singing a different tune. They show themselves as the hypocritical cowards that they are by claiming that they support the troops, but not their mission! IMPOSSIBLE! You either support the troops AND their mission, or you don’t; the two cannot be separated! They don’t support the troops; they support their terrorist buddies! They keep on demanding that the troops come home, using the politically correct term of “redeployment”, yet they offer no solutions to end this war on terrorism. Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said it best; quitting is NOT an exit strategy! Their brainwashed hate speech is getting my brothers and sisters assassinated because their ragheaded terrorist buddies have been emboldened by these extremists! I want the troops to come home much more than they do because wars have a tendency to kill people, especially Soldiers! Casey Sheehan must be the most embarrassed Veteran in heaven right now because of the treasonous hatred of anything military his own mother is spreading! I keep track of the more famous celebrity anti-military extremists and go out of my way to not buy their albums or go see their movies. But because I’m a Soldier, I will STILL defend their right to hate and trash me and my brothers- and sisters-in-arms! Unfortunately, they’ve never figured out that this freedom of speech thing has to be done RESPONSIBLY! Fortunately, because these anti-military cowards are a small minority, they tend to stay under the rocks that they live under and only poke their heads out for the occasional anti-military riot or to spread their hatred of all things military in letters to their local newspapers, for example. Of course all they ever do is make babbling fools of themselves but hey, if they want to use their freedom of the press to prove to the rest of us what stupid, brainwashed fools they are, that’s their right!
I’m angry at these bogus “polls” that claim that support for the troops is eroding among the American people. These bogus polls are just that; BOGUS POLLS! Nothing could be further from the truth! Where are these pollsters going to conduct their polls, Code Pink’s offices?
In the three years since I’ve been home from Iraq, I’ve discovered that the American people overwhelmingly continue to support the troops and their mission, and I’ve experienced this personally several times. I proudly wear a blue “Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran” hat wherever I go, and many times strangers have approached me, from airports to my church, to shake my hand or offer me a hug and tell me “Thank You for your service”. Last January I was dining at a local restaurant and an anonymous gentleman gave my waitress $20 towards my family’s dinner bill (he had seen my hat as we were walking in)! In February, I was on a Southwest Airlines flight on a business trip, and to thank me for my service the flight attendant offered me a glass of wine for free, on her! Also in February while on a business trip I had the opportunity to see many Soldiers in the Atlanta airport at the USO there, preparing to return to Iraq from their two weeks R&R leave. I witnessed USO volunteers give each Soldier a care package with various items in it prior to their departure. A lady from the USO was leading them to the terminal where their plane was waiting for them, and just before they entered the main atrium at the airport, she loudly announced “Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s hear it for the United States Armed Forces”. At that point everyone rose and began applauding the troops as they were walking by, just like in the famous Anheuser-Busch TV commercial that’s made it way around the Internet a few million times! (As a side note, CNN’s headquarters are located in Atlanta; take THAT for what it’s worth!)
Occasionally, I’ll write a Letter to the Editor or submit to an interview with reporters from the local news media. The editor of my weekly town newspaper is a troop supporter! Two reporters from the local daily paper, while I can’t pin down their specific feelings and opinions about the war, have been gracious and fair to me whenever they’ve interviewed and questioned me for stories they’ve done; I know they at least value my opinion regarding the war on terrorism as someone who’s actually participated in it as a Soldier. Last year after one letter I wrote, I was viciously attacked the following week by a local anti-military extremist; one of those people who claims to have great admiration for the troops, but doesn’t support their mission. He even managed to insult everyone who displays a yellow ribbon magnet on their cars, denigrating it as a symbol of support for the troops. Yeah right, and I suppose Old Glory is JUST a piece of cloth too! This fools letter attacking me caused one of my neighbors to ask “what was this guy thinking?”
I’ll talk to any fair reporter who’s willing to listen to me so I can continue to tell the American people that there ARE good things happening in Iraq. This whole Democracy thing is still a foreign concept to the Iraqi people, but it’s better than what they had! Even the young United States struggled early in its history with this concept of government of the people, by the people, for the people, as outlined in our Constitution. There are lots of cultural obstacles the Iraqi people have to overcome, but as long as they’re committed to making their new government work, we should help them out. When you see over 70% of eligible people going to vote at the risk of getting shot at or blown up by a roadside bomb, you KNOW the commitment is there!
I’m fortunate to live in a very patriotic and military-friendly community that honors and reveres Soldiers and Veterans (yes, patriotic communities DO exist in liberal Massachusetts!), and the Veterans in my town have an open invitation to march in our annual Memorial Day parade. Every year I dig out my desert camouflage uniform out of the closet for this annual event and proudly march down my town’s downtown street with my brother and sister Veterans from previous wars. I participate every year to show the people of my community that the war on terrorism has a face, and that young (and not-so-young) men and women from our community are participating in this war. Many of us serving are in the National Guard and Reserve components; as a result, their neighbors, classmates, coworkers, and even members of their churches have also participated in this war, putting our lives on hold and leaving our families and our jobs while we keep the nation safe from terrorism.
I’ve also noticed since I’ve been home that the biggest supporters of the troops in this war on terrorism appear to be Vietnam Veterans! You guys are great! You guys more than anyone else have every right to continue to be bitter and angry at the treatment you received upon your return home! Instead, so many of you have chosen to put aside your bitterness and anger to ensure that my generation of veterans doesn’t experience the treatment that your generation of veterans experienced, and for that I am grateful! I was a guest on Kit’s radio blog in April, and a caller who identified himself as a Vietnam Vet and the father of a Soldier currently in Iraq said it best; “you guys are our mission now.” I was just SO humbled upon hearing that, and he meant it!
To all Veterans of previous wars; Thank You for welcoming my generation of Veterans into your fold with open arms!
Once in a blue moon I’ll encounter an anti-military extremist with the guts to take me on. Of course they can NEVER win against me; after all, I’ve actually BEEN to Iraq, and chances are that these traitors have never even served in the military! Once they figure out that they can’t win against me, they usually give up by babbling something stupid like “well, you’re brainwashed”, or “well, we’ll just have to agree to disagree” (to which I respond “no, we’ll just have to agree that I’m right, and you’re wrong!). At that point, I KNOW I’ve defeated them, and eventually they just drift away knowing inside that they’ve been defeated, but will NEVER admit it!
Having served in Iraq myself, I’m extremely proud of the men and women currently serving in the war on terrorism, and they deserve the unconditional love and support of the American people. As long as the troops know that they have the love and support of the American people, they will continue to make us proud. At least two Soldiers from my town are currently serving in Iraq, and I look forward to welcoming them home someday and marching side by side with them in a future Memorial Day parade as fellow Veterans. As for me, I continue to proudly serve in the Massachusetts Army National Guard. I occasionally get asked if I might have to go back to Iraq myself. My answer to that question is this; I hope I don’t have to go back, but if I’m involuntarily ordered to deploy to Iraq again I would go for five reasons; my future stepdaughter Allison (14 yrs old), my nephew Adam (4 yrs old), my niece Jillian (2 yrs old), my nephew Camden (12 yrs old), and an unborn niece or nephew due to be born in June to my brother and sister-in-law. I don’t ever want them and their generation to deal with brainwashed, ragheaded terrorists like the ones that assassinated thousands of innocent people on 9/11! I want them to live in a world free from terrorism. I’d rather fight the terrorists over there NOW, than over here later on!
By the way, have you noticed that since President Bush decided to take the fight to the terrorists, our nation has not been attacked?
I’m extremely encouraged by grass-roots organizations like the Gathering of Eagles and so many others like them. What the Gathering of Eagles did on March 17th was just incredible, and I’m sure it was a huge morale booster for the troops overseas as well. The Wall and other monuments honoring our war dead are worth defending from brainwashed vandals. I’ve been to The Wall in the past, and felt the presence of those on the other side of it. I’ve seen Veterans weeping at the sight of the names of their buddies etched into that black granite. It IS a sacred place. These gutless anti-military extremist cowards are just that; COWARDS! They eventually retreat whenever REAL Americans stand up to them. The troops currently engaged in the war on terrorism are counting on us. They have a mission to carry out and concentrate on; we Veterans and other REAL Americans need to deal with these anti-military fools back here at home for their sake; that’s OUR mission!
I look forward to reading your comments here. You can also email comments to me as well at
May God abundantly bless my brothers and sisters in arms fighting the war on terrorism and their mission, and may God Bless the United States of America, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave!
Paul Couturier
North Attleboro, MA
Proud Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom
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10 Responses to “Angry Iraq Vet Says “Enough!””
Hat tip:Media Lies,Eurphoric Reality
Saturday, May 05, 2007
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