Friday, May 18, 2007
Rev.Falwell's haters/death mockers are no differen't than Palestinians cheering about 9-11
Just as I predicted the hate-filled left just couldn't wait to start blogging their bile about the death of icon Reverand Jerry Falwell who at times I disagreed with but for the most agreed with him most of the time.On the eve of the news of the reverand's death I went online and clicked on AOL's comments page and no shocker that most of the comments posted came from cess pool mouthed anti-Rev. Falwell fecal-brained twits that I wouldn't trust to walk my dog.I remember when President Reagan died the very same thing happened evil all kinds of evil remarks coming from the anti-Reagan hateful left.And as always the fiberal media that shields Democrats everyday either ignored it or did very little reporting on it.But had Republicans posted hate comments on let's say the late Senator Wellstone on a blog you can bet your whole years paychecks that Democrats,their talking Monday night quarterbacks,and the MSM would have been hopping mad and had it splashed on every television and in every newspaper and magazine.On 9-11 the news showed Palestinians cheering in the streets when I listen let alone look at the psychos that have taken over the Democratic party they're identical.Grant the Reverand Falwell said things that were over the top but then again I look at Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton all I can think about is "Hymietown" and "Diamond Merchants" and yes even then the media made very little or noise at all during those situations.There's no question that in the end Reverand Falwell got the last laugh on liberals that prove just in their bumbling rants and rambles alone that they loathe everything about this country especially God who rates as public enemy #1 in their eyes.