Saturday, August 04, 2007

Whether it's Alabama or Washington Democrats are the same

No matter what state Bush/America haters are from whether it be Alabama or Washington D.C are all the same.Take for instance this letter from a typical Democratic Alabamian kook on defacing flags.After reading it especially the part where Bush is being accused of de-facing the American flag by autographing it I laughed so hard my sides hurt.The Bush hater also accuses the anti-Hillary person of being put there by Republicans as a shill. That part gave me a headache because the party claiming they don't want to shut down those who oppose them solidifies more that Republicans/Conservatives and anyone who agrees with them or President Bush are their main targets for their permanant gag order AKA Fairness Doctrine as it's known to Democrats and the liberal media. Here is the editorial letter I'm leaving the name out because it's obvious this left wing loon has been embarrassed enough.The following editorial came from the Huntsville Times:

Defaced American flags

Saturday while I was holding a sign at Whitesburg Drive and Airport Road, a man getting in his car in the parking lot said something to me about "defacing the flag" and pointed to the people across the street.

I didn't see any American flag that was defaced. There were two peace flags, one of which had small peace signs in the blue area and the other had one big peace sign.

This man shut his door and drove away without waiting for a response.

So, to educate him: The American flag has 50 small white stars in the blue area of the flag.

President Bush repeatedly defaced American flags by autographing them on July 23, 2003 for workers at Beaver Aerospace and Defense in Livonia, Mich. (Rather ironic since he'd just supported a new "flag desecration amendment" making it a crime to desecrate a flag.)

Was he arrested for the crime? No.

On Sept. 11, 2006, the Bushes stood on a rug of the American flag honoring the Sept. 11, 2001 victims. Any arrest or media comment here? No.

Then a woman from the same parking lot told me that I "should not be on that street corner across from those (male) veterans." She shut her door and drove away quickly.

She obviously couldn't read. My sign clearly stated: "Served 25 years (Navy 1973-1998) have you? I believe 25 years in the Navy qualifies me as a veteran even if I am a female!

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