It didn't shock me a bit after reading this story about US Marines being denied permission to film a commercial in the city of San Francisco La La Land AKA California where anything goes.her'es the link to the story:
Hat tip: and
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Predictable: CNN denies they knew about Hillary's openly gay Brigadere General plant at RNC YouTube debate
Like the millions of Americans who watched the RNC CNN/YouTube debates on Wednesday November 28th felt the gays in military question from the openly gay retired Brigadier General in the audience smelled fishy as if it was another Hillary plant.Our gut feeling as always was correct.The General was an infiltrate who worked within Hillary's camp.
Here is the video of that segment it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this was yet another Hillary plant busted thanks to the smart Americans who know just how the Clintons and their ilk operate.
Hat Tip:YouTube and Hot
Here is the video of that segment it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this was yet another Hillary plant busted thanks to the smart Americans who know just how the Clintons and their ilk operate.
Hat Tip:YouTube and Hot
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Oprah like Jackson and Sharpton uses poor blacks for her advantage and could care less about them
Just when things couldn't get any worse for the so-called Queen of talk shows Oprah who was seen all over the TV and internet apologizing up and down saying she takes full responsibility for the recent raping scandal at her Leadership Acadamy Girls School in South Africa of course keep in mind this occurred "only" because it was brought into light. In this next article you'll read how Oprah gave out free tickets to Oprah's Favorite Things in Macon county Georgia as usual it turned out to be just another way of doing the black community dirty again just as she's done in the past.
Here is the link to the story:
Hat tip: Debbie Schlussel
Here is the link to the story:
Hat tip: Debbie Schlussel
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Hey Julia thanks for reminding us why you celebs are loathed by most Americans
No matter where me and my brother go whether it's the bank, Wal-Mart etc... we park where regular customers are supposed to park and as I re-call my father nor any of my sisters did the same.Sadly there are arrogent, uncaring people in this country who park in handi-capped parking spaces knowing they and(or) their passenger(s) are strong and healthy and therefore should park in regular spaces.However,when they get busted by police they get their just punnishments.So why should it be any different for Hollywood celebs? It seems every week we turn on our TVs and hear about some stuck up arrogent celebrity like Paris Hilton get by their crime or not get busted at all. In this video you'll see the gas guzzling vehicle belonging to Julia Roberts and her hubbby who are no doubt charter members of the environ-mental whackjob movement he is seen walking towards it.
Here is the link to the video:
Should that link not work try this one:
Hat tip: AOL News and TMZ
Here is the link to the video:
Should that link not work try this one:
Hat tip: AOL News and TMZ
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Bonusgate:Tipster(s) help investigators net 20 boxes of evidence tells them orders to have them destroyed came from House DNC caucus
Count on this item to either not be mentioned or glazed over by the liberal talking heads and their media.Of course if this were Republicans we wouldn't hear the end of it but because it involves Democrats it's ok to sweep it under the rug and keep it from the American people who have every right to know about it.Here is the link to the story.
Hat tip: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Let Freedom Ring
Hat tip: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Let Freedom Ring
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Ewee:Video prior to Australia's Priminister election shows the new winner Kevin Rudd eating his ear wax
Proving even more that liberals whether they're from America or Australia will vote for any piece of disgusting trash so long as he/she has a D next to their name.
Note:Rudd is sitting behind this speaker
Hat tip:Patrico's pontifications
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Dictatorcrat's scheme to ban smoking by adding another tobacco tax hike will meet Bush's veto
If Democrats took all their energy they do trying to ban smoking altogether and put it towards fighting terrorism we the American people who long ago have had it up to here with Congressional lawmakers(mostly Democratic) looking to dictate and make law tax increases and permanent bans on cigarettes and all other tobacco products.Their constant whining along with the anti-smoking movement, frivolous smoking lawsuit hogs and money-hungry power-grabby attorneys are why tobacco users are paying out the wazoo for cigarettes and all tobacco products.The hypocritical part of it all is these are the very same people that remind us at every given minute that it's none of our business if a woman chooses to have an abortion.Here's the link to a news article the Democrats at it once again dictating to America
Monday, November 05, 2007
Surprise:Former city Commissioner arrested for lewd sexual conduct and exposed sexual organ Democratic party affiliation omitted

When news of Senator Larry Craig's alleged bathroom ordeal came out the liberal media acted as if they were experiencing an orgasm which is how they re-act every time they report anything bad for Republicans. Former Commissioner Mike Shallow who happens to be a Democrat was caught,arrested and charged with lewd sexual conduct and sexual organ exposure in an upstairs Sears men's bathroom in a mall but as usual you had to read about this in the bloggers because neither Chris Matthews,Katie Couric,Matt Laur,Keith Olberman and the rest of the Bush-hating media have the guts to report it because it involves one of their precious party members.Here is the link to the article:
Note:Mike. Shallow's picture is right above David Behringer's
Hat tip:Macsmind and
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Eight reminders to Hillary supporters and those remotely thinking of voting for her
The following shouldn't come as a shock to you.Though you will deny every
thing she's done just like you did with her hubby Bill who will no doubt be making decisions.Most Americans remember the regime under these 2 corrupt louses whose only goal is be in control of all of us.There are those of you that are disgusted with the Republican party that has run amock and are thinking of voting for this extremely power-hungry carpet bagger pretending to be a New Yorker and you have every right to to feel that way about them.Like millions I remember the 8 years of horror and never want to see another 8 years or even 1 day of horror because that's what will happen "if" Hillary gets in the White House that's why it's so important to stop paying attention to the liberal media outlets,newspapers,magazines and blogs.These people tell us everyday that Hillary is going up in polls and making more money than the Republican candidates as usual they never provide any proof.Fact is the only main polls that count are on election day when all the polls close and votes are counted but don't tell that to the Clinton media because they'll just come up with one of their pointless retarded polls that say it's ok to take early polls months before the election.My message in this post is to give you advice so that when you do vote this helpful information will help you decide because remember our country's future relies strongly on how and who'll you'll vote for.So sit back and watch these videos as many times as you desire because the more you're in the know about who you vote for the better you'll feel.
Video 1:
thing she's done just like you did with her hubby Bill who will no doubt be making decisions.Most Americans remember the regime under these 2 corrupt louses whose only goal is be in control of all of us.There are those of you that are disgusted with the Republican party that has run amock and are thinking of voting for this extremely power-hungry carpet bagger pretending to be a New Yorker and you have every right to to feel that way about them.Like millions I remember the 8 years of horror and never want to see another 8 years or even 1 day of horror because that's what will happen "if" Hillary gets in the White House that's why it's so important to stop paying attention to the liberal media outlets,newspapers,magazines and blogs.These people tell us everyday that Hillary is going up in polls and making more money than the Republican candidates as usual they never provide any proof.Fact is the only main polls that count are on election day when all the polls close and votes are counted but don't tell that to the Clinton media because they'll just come up with one of their pointless retarded polls that say it's ok to take early polls months before the election.My message in this post is to give you advice so that when you do vote this helpful information will help you decide because remember our country's future relies strongly on how and who'll you'll vote for.So sit back and watch these videos as many times as you desire because the more you're in the know about who you vote for the better you'll feel.
Video 1:
Friday, November 02, 2007
Ignored by the liberal media:The real Hillary
Does the name Peter Paul ring a bell to anyone? For those who don't know who this man is or rather was he was a great friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton that in the nutshell became another victim of these two extremely corrupt modern day Bonnie and Clydes in the video you are about to see and hear Mr Paul expose his story on the real Bill and Hillary who are being shielded from any exposure of their corruption by their media. Here is part 1 of 2
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