Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hey Julia thanks for reminding us why you celebs are loathed by most Americans

No matter where me and my brother go whether it's the bank, Wal-Mart etc... we park where regular customers are supposed to park and as I re-call my father nor any of my sisters did the same.Sadly there are arrogent, uncaring people in this country who park in handi-capped parking spaces knowing they and(or) their passenger(s) are strong and healthy and therefore should park in regular spaces.However,when they get busted by police they get their just punnishments.So why should it be any different for Hollywood celebs? It seems every week we turn on our TVs and hear about some stuck up arrogent celebrity like Paris Hilton get by their crime or not get busted at all. In this video you'll see the gas guzzling vehicle belonging to Julia Roberts and her hubbby who are no doubt charter members of the environ-mental whackjob movement he is seen walking towards it.

Here is the link to the video:
Should that link not work try this one:

Hat tip: AOL News and TMZ

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