Sunday, November 04, 2007

Eight reminders to Hillary supporters and those remotely thinking of voting for her

The following shouldn't come as a shock to you.Though you will deny every
thing she's done just like you did with her hubby Bill who will no doubt be making decisions.Most Americans remember the regime under these 2 corrupt louses whose only goal is be in control of all of us.There are those of you that are disgusted with the Republican party that has run amock and are thinking of voting for this extremely power-hungry carpet bagger pretending to be a New Yorker and you have every right to to feel that way about them.Like millions I remember the 8 years of horror and never want to see another 8 years or even 1 day of horror because that's what will happen "if" Hillary gets in the White House that's why it's so important to stop paying attention to the liberal media outlets,newspapers,magazines and blogs.These people tell us everyday that Hillary is going up in polls and making more money than the Republican candidates as usual they never provide any proof.Fact is the only main polls that count are on election day when all the polls close and votes are counted but don't tell that to the Clinton media because they'll just come up with one of their pointless retarded polls that say it's ok to take early polls months before the election.My message in this post is to give you advice so that when you do vote this helpful information will help you decide because remember our country's future relies strongly on how and who'll you'll vote for.So sit back and watch these videos as many times as you desire because the more you're in the know about who you vote for the better you'll feel.
Video 1:

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