Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Democrat's bill to silence Conservative talk radio will meet President Bush's veto pen

They're calling it the "New Fairness" bill in the real world it's known as "muzzling Conservatives" yes that's right America Democrats just proved to us even more they loathe the right and anyone who opposes them by this very unconstitutional bill they just created. For years the left have been trying their hardest to get radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh taken off the air and failed.And whenever they're on talk shows reguardless of whether it's The O'Reilly Factor,Hannity and Colmes,Hardball,The Situation Room w/Wolf Blitzer or The View they try their best to not let America hear the Republican's view by overtalking them(filibustering) because Heaven forbid that more truth keeps coming out about their party's skull duggaries and shananigans that the Bush-hating media refuse to report. Because Conservative talk radio has had a gigantic impact and whatever very few liberal talk shows have failed is also another huge reason why Kucinich and Company want to gag conservatives and anyone who disagrees with them. This unconstitutional bill will be vetoed by President Bush bet the farm on it.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Democrats and their media silent on Ahmadinejad's plummeting approval ratings and economy

Despite the constant lies coming from Democrats and their media President Bush's approval ratings and US economy are up. Meanwhile in Iran things aren't looking very good as a matter of fact some of the very people who helped get Ahmadinejad elected president are the same ones who are now railing against him because he hasn't kept his promises(no big surprise) with continuing tumbling approval ratings and economy one would think at least one liberal news network or reporter would report this story. But because the left and their media despise President Bush and America so much and are sympothetic to terrorists they choose to keep these stories under wraps and continue to trash their president, and country. Here's a link to the story: it's no wonder more and more Americans have turned to the internet and blogsphere to get their news because they simple can't and will never trust the mainstream media and I don't blame them one bit.