Thursday, May 31, 2007

Robert Mitchum:Sean Penn couldn't shine his shoes

Legendary actor and true American Robert Mitchum answered questions on pulling out what he said solidifies more that actors in those days supported their country military especially during war which they also supported.Never did you see these people protest in the streets during war time or butt their noses into the business of the government's reason(s)for going to war they also never insulted their president.What class they had when compared to the anti-war,America/Bush hating,baby killing supporting Hollywood trash that are nothing but lying whiny pampered commie hypocrites that enjoy dictating to America that it's either their way or the highway.Yet every time we turn on our televisions,read newspapers, magazines or listen to radio all we see,read and hear is about how this celebrity who was either a wife/husband beater,abused their kid(s) physically, mentally or both (Alec Baldwin)alcohol or drug abuser,has severe attitude problems,splitting up or getting divorced just recently"went into rehab" or is seeking "anger management or marriage advice" AKA a slap on the wrist as if they should be forgiven over and over. A very dysfunctional crowd of illiterate dictators indeed.Anyway here's a video Mr. Mitchum on his thoughts about pulling out during war.The second video is an anti-war protest you'll hear Sean Penn along with some of his "Naziwood" buddies.You'll also see and hear some prominent Democratic politicians: John Conyers,Jerry Nadler Maxine Waters trash their country,president and military. After viewing both videos I'm sure you'll agree that actors like Robert Mitchum were true patriots that loved and supported their country,military, and president and that in order to achieve piece war must happen and that Hollywood today are nothing but clueless unpatriotic cowardly wogs that support terrorism every time they open their mouths or show up at anti-war freak and geekfests.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Still waiting for Damascus Pelosi to drain the swamp

"We're going to drain the swamp!" That's what Damascus Pelosi said prior to the election for those of you who didn't view or hear her say it here it is from an NPR interview transcript:

MR. SIEGEL: You’re holding up a piece of – that summarizes everything that you’re doing on one piece of paper.

REP. PELOSI: Our card – this is a card that -- we promised the American people in the campaign that we would drain the swamp, that we would make this the most honest and open Congress in history, that we would be – conduct our work with civility and bipartisanship, and that we would be fiscally sound – no new deficit spending. That was – those were the rules of how we would proceed.

Her'es yet another case where Madame Speaker looks the other way because the person involved in this case which looks like more Democratic political corruption is a Democrat and in Pelosi's eyes as well as her party's eyes it's ok.

Culture of Corruption
Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats won in 2006 as much on the issue of corruption as on the situation in Iraq. She constantly berated Republicans for a so-called "culture of corruption" and pledged to bring ethics back to the Capitol.

Today, she appointed Congressman Bob Brady to head up the House Administration Committee. Bob Brady. He is most well-known at present for coming in third in the Philadelphia Mayoral primary last week and making a complete fool of himself when he failed to report his pension on his nominating petitions.

More disgusting, however, is Brady's close ties to the boss of South Philadelphia, State Senator Vincent Fumo. The later was indicted by a federal grand jury in February on 139 counts, including mail fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy, obstruction, and filing a false tax return. Among the more heinous of Fumo's misdeeds was misusing $1 million of state funds and also misappropriating $1 million from a charity of his and diverting it to personal use or campaigning. He apparently also commandeered yachts from the Philadelphia Seaport Museum for personal travel.

On primary day last week, Brady went to the Fouth Street deli for lunch. He did not go alone. Shamelessly, he had lunch with Vincent Fumo. Click on picture number two here to see Fumo and Brady conversing.

Pelosi stated in a press release: "Congressman Brady's experience as a leading member of the House Administration Committee and his in-depth knowledge of the internal functions of the House will make him a powerful voice as Chairman...I know Congressman Brady will expand upon the efforts of Chairwoman Millender-McDonald to promote equality and diversity on Capitol Hill."

Equality and diversity is nice, but what about ethics, Nancy? The truth is that actions speak louder than words. If Republicans would stop fighting each other, and starting fighting Democrats, no one would ever hear the end of this.

Hat tip:Wizbang, NPR,CBS

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Was Elizabeth Hasselbeck snubbed by Alicia"Batgirl" Silverstone? I believe so but You be the judge

After watching this video of The View with guest actress Alicia Silverstone who played Batgirl in Batman and Robin there's no question that she blatantly ignores Elizabeth Hasselbeck who has her arms extended out to greet her.Note how she whizzes past Elizabeth and over to greet Joy Behar and Rosie O' Donnell who are standing directly behind Elizabeth who by the way won that very intense fight over Rosie who couldn't stand it that finally somebody put her in her place and more so a Republican and the only sane voice on that show that hired Rosie because of low ratings.This is the impression I got but you be the judge.
Here's the video:

Happy Memorial Day to all of our brave miltary heroes

This post is dedicated to our brave military heroes deceased,living and retired please feel free to comment as always posts containing any hate or vulgar language will be deleted and that poster(s) will be permanently banned from my blog no questions asked.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Just a reminder of the Democrats that said Saddam had WMDS

What Did The Democrats Say About Iraq's WMD
JANUARY 30, 2004 | Printable Version
"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force -- if necessary -- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002 | Source

"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
- President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998 | Source

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
- President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998 | Source

"We must stop Saddam from ever again jeopardizing the stability and security of his neighbors with weapons of mass destruction."
- Madeline Albright, Feb 1, 1998 | Source

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."
- Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998 | Source

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton.
- (D) Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, others, Oct. 9, 1998 | Source

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
- Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998 | Source

"Hussein has ... chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies."
- Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999 | Source

"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and th! e means of delivering them."
- Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002 | Source

"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002 | Source

"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power."
- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002 | Source

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
- Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002 | Source

"The last UN weapons inspectors left Iraq in October of 1998. We are confident that Saddam Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and that he has since embarked on a crash course to build up his chemical and biological warfare capabilities. Intelligence reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons..."
- Sen. Robert Byrd (D, WV), Oct. 3, 2002 | Source

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

"We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction."
- Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL), Dec. 8, 2002 | Source

Hat tip:RightWingAngell

Friday, May 25, 2007

Corrine Brown should look no further than her own backyard when it comes to fraud

I distictly remember Rep. Corrine Brown calling then President-elect George W. Bush who just won the election a "fraud" all because the rule of law was applied and Al Gore who clearly was looking to steal an election that wasn't his didn't get to do it.Now however it appears Rep. Brown has some explaining to do concerning her "shady" dealings. Brown like every Bush hating politician doesn't mind lashing out at Republicans and accusing them of committing fraud but when they do it everyone is supposed to keep quiet about it.Here's a link about Corrine Browns fraud

Hat tip:No

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Probe requested into questionable loan given to Rep. James Moran by ex-lobbyist Terry Lierman Rep Hoyer's newly anointed Maryland DNC Chairman

What is Capital Associated Inc.? It's the company that lobbies for a multiple of clients that have business in front of the House of Representatives. Recently Rep. Hoyer annointed Terry Lierman who once lobbied for this company as Maryland DNC Chairman.According to the Washington Post story below Rep. James Moran(D-VA8) recieved a below market loan from then Capital Associated Inc. lobbyist Mr. Lierman who along with Congressman Moran denies any wrong doing.The probe request by the Congressional Accountability Project founded by Ralph Nadar because possible skull duggery may have taken place.The following House rules are as follows:Federal employees are barred from soliciting gifts or receiving gratuities from people affected by their official actions. House rules also state that members generally may not accept gifts, including personal loans under terms more generous than those available commercially.Here's the link to the story after reading it see if you don't come to the same conclusion as I did:

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Another strong message to the MSM from one of Americas heroes

Chief Warrant Officer Jim Funk, an Iowa National Guard Black Hawk helicopter pilot from Ames, has been serving in Iraq since October. He wrote a letter to friends and family blasting American media coverage of the war.

Carlson: Shift news to successes in Iraq, soldier urges

A tired and disgusted Iowa soldier fired off an e-mail a few days ago, telling family and friends how things are going in Iraq.

A Blackhawk helicopter pilot, Chief Warrant Officer Jim Funk has flown more than 80 combat missions since he arrived there in October.

He described his Boone-based unit's successes after 5,000 hours of flying out of LSA Anaconda, a huge American base north of Baghdad. He talked about the tragedies he and his fellow Iowans have witnessed and his worries of becoming complacent as he goes on mission after mission.


"We're treading water," the Ames man told the people closest to him. "We continue to kick butt on missions and take care of each other, even though we know the American public and government DOES NOT stand behind us.

Ohhhh, they all say they support us, but how can you support me (the soldier) if you don't support my mission or my objectives. We watch the news over here. Every time we turn it on we see the American public and Hollywood conducting protests and rallies against our 'illegal occupation' of Iraq."

His greatest frustration? The performance of the people who deliver the news to the American people.

I'll let him say it, in his own words, in the letter, which found its way to me:

"Hello media, do you know you indirectly kill American soldiers every day? You inspire and report the enemy's objective every day. You are the enemy's greatest weapon. The enemy cannot beat us on the battlefield so all he does is try to wreak enough havoc and have you report it every day. With you and the enemy using each other, you continually break the will of the American public and American government.

"We go out daily and bust and kill the enemy, uncover and destroy huge weapons caches and continue to establish infrastructure. So daily we put a whoopin on the enemy, but all the enemy has to do is turn on the TV and get re-inspired. He gets to see his daily roadside bomb, truck bomb, suicide bomber or mortar attack. He doesn't see any accomplishments of the U.S. military (FOX, you're not exempt, you suck also).

"Let's give you an example. A couple of days ago we conducted an air assault. We lifted troops into an area for an operation. The operation went well and our ground troops killed (insurgents) and took several prisoners, freed a few hostages and uncovered a weapons cache containing munitions and chemicals that were going to be used in improvised bombs.

"The next morning I woke up and turned on AFN (Armed Forces Network) and watched the nightly news (NBC). Nothing, none of that reported. But the daily car bomb report was reported, and the file footage was not even from the event. There was a car bomb in the Sadr City area and your news report showed old car bomb footage from another part of town from some other time.

"So we really set the enemy back that night but all the enemy had to do was turn on the news and be reassured that the enemy's agenda (objective) was still going to be fed to the American public.

"We, the soldiers, keep breaking the back of the enemy. You, the media, keep rejuvenating the enemy.

"How hard would it be to contact the PAO (public affairs officer) of the 1st CAV, 36th CAB, 25th ID or the Marines and ask what did you guys accomplish today - good and bad? How about some insurgent blooper videos? Now that would be something to show on the evening news.

"Media, we know you hate the George Bush administration, but report both sides, not just your one-sided agenda. You have got to realize how you are continually motivating every extremist, jihadist and terrorist to continue their resolve to kill American soldiers."

It's a punch in the nose to the news media from Funk, 39, a full-time employee of the Iowa National Guard.

Why did he write it?

"I am just tired of busting my butt over here and coming home every night and turning on the TV (Armed Forces Network) and hearing how we are failing miserably," he told me in an e-mail.

You may agree with what Funk has to say. You may not.

Many in my business certainly won't. But Funk is a soldier, fighting a war, who has earned the right to be heard.

Columnist John Carlson can be reached at (515) 284-8204 or

Hat tip: Des Moines Register,Anti -Idiotonian Rottweiler

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Abundance of Syrian dissidants and pro-democracy activists irrate over Damascus Pelosi's friendship message to Syrian government and president Assad

Yep you guessed it another story concerning a Democrat that the liberal media barely touched or ignored.When Damascus Pelosi took it upon herself and defied the White House's request to not take a trip to Syria the liberals along with their media acted like a bunch of high school cheer leaders.They claimed her trip was "good for our country!" The above picture shows Assad to be a Mr. Nice guy and great leader who is praised by all his people and Pelosi well she thinks Americans just fell off the turnip truck and that this Assad guy is a A OK and wouldn't harm a fly much less harbor terrorists or deal with them. In this article you'll read about Syrian that are dissidents and pro-democracy who give a much different take on the Speaker's trip and her friendly relationship with Assad and his thug government. Here's a link to the story:

Hat,New York Observer

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Ignored by Democrats and the liberal media: Abramoff gave to Democrats as well

Democrats continue to yap about Republicans money ties to former lobbyist Jack Abramoff yet they along with their media have kept the fact they have money ties to him as well and have kept hush hush about them.Here is a list of Democrats that took money from the very same man they mentioned in ads against Republicans that ran for office last election.List of prominant Democrats with ties to Abramoff:
Patty Murray (D-Wash) - $40,980
Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) - $32,000
Patrick J. Kennedy (D-RI) - $31,000
Harry Reid (D-Nev) - $30,500
Byron L. Dorgan (D-ND) - $28,000
Tom Daschle (D-SD) - $26,500
Brad R. Carson (D-Okla) - $18,300
Chris John (D-La) - $15,000
Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) - $14,500
John Breaux (D-La) - $13,750
Mary L. Landrieu (D-La) - $11,500
Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md) - $11,000
Dale E. Kildee (D-Mich) - $10,500
Barney Frank (D-Mass) - $9,000
Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo) - $9,000
Max Baucus (D-Mont) - $9,000
Peter Deutsch (D-Fla) - $8,500
Dick Durbin (D-Ill) - $8,000
Frank Pallone, Jr (D-NJ) - $6,000
Nick Rahall (D-WVa) - $6,000
Jon S. Corzine (D-NJ) - $5,000
Fritz Hollings (D-SC) - $5,000
Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md) - $5,000
Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) - $5,000
Deborah Ann Stabenow (D-Mich) - $5,000
Xavier Becerra (D-Calif) - $4,523
Tim Johnson (D-SD) - $4,250
Kent Conrad (D-ND) - $4,000
Maria Cantwell (D-Wash) - $3,000
Kalyn Cherie Free (D-Okla) - $3,000
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) - $3,000
Richard M. Romero (D-NM) - $3,000
Ed Pastor (D-Ariz) - $3,000
John B. Larson (D-Conn) - $3,000
James L. Oberstar (D-Minn) - $3,000
Brad Sherman (D-Calif) - $3,000
Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) - $2,500
Max Cleland (D-Ga) - $2,500
Gene Taylor (D-Miss) - $2,250
Doug Dodd (D-Okla) - $2,000
Jay Inslee (D-Wash) - $2,000
John D. Dingell (D-Mich) - $2,000
Joe Baca (D-Calif) - $2,000
Carl Levin (D-Mich) - $2,000
C. L. "Butch" Otter (R-Idaho) - $2,000
Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark) - $2,000
Bennie G. Thompson (D-Miss) - $2,000
Robert Menendez (D-NJ) - $2,000
Robert T. Matsui (D-Calif) - $2,000
Rodney Alexander (D-La) - $2,000
Sander Levin (D-Mich) - $2,000
Ron Kind (D-Wis) - $2,000
Ronnie Shows (D-Miss) - $2,000
Rosa L. DeLauro (D-Conn) - $2,000
Willie Landry Mount (D-La) - $2,000
Tom Carper (D-Del) - $2,000
Thomas P. Keefe Jr. (D-Wash) - $2,000
Nita M. Lowey (D-NY) - $2,000
Maxine Waters (D-Calif) - $2,000
Ned Doucet (D-La) - $2,000
John Neely Kennedy (D-La) - $2,000
Lane Evans (D-Ill) - $2,000
Norm Dicks (D-Wash) - $1,500
Rick Weiland (D-SD) - $1,000
Ron Wyden (D-Ore) - $1,000
Tim Holden (D-Pa) - $1,000
William J. Jefferson (D-La) - $1,000
Patrick Leahy (D-Vt) - $1,000
Paul Wellstone (D-Minn) - $1,000
Pete Stark (D-Calif) - $1,000
Peter DeFazio (D-Ore) - $1,000
Mike Thompson (D-Calif) - $1,000
David Phelps (D-Ill) - $1,000
Derrick B. Watchman (D-Ariz) - $1,000
Charles S. Robb (D-Va) - $1,000
Bill Luther (D-Minn) - $1,000
Barbara Boxer (D-Calif) - $1,000
Brian David Schweitzer (D-Mont) - $1,000
Charles J. Melancon (D-La) - $1,000
Eliot L. Engel (D-NY) - $1,000
Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif) - $1,000
Gloria Tristani (D-NM) - $1,000
Grace Napolitano (D-Calif) - $1,000
Joe Lieberman (D-Conn) - $1,000
Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif) - $1,000
Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) - $1,000
Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) - $500
John Kerry (D-Mass) - $500
Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif) - $500
Shelley Berkley (D-Nev) - $500

I just can't wait to see how the liberal media and the Democrats from their politicians to talking heads will spin it trying to make it a much ado about nothing story.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Reverend Jerry Falwell memorial post

This post is for the late Reverand Jerry Falwell,his friends,family and supporters as always feel free to comment and remember one hate-filled post results in a permanant ban on my blog as I do not tolerate anyone who posts hate especially at this time of grief.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Rev.Falwell's haters/death mockers are no differen't than Palestinians cheering about 9-11

Just as I predicted the hate-filled left just couldn't wait to start blogging their bile about the death of icon Reverand Jerry Falwell who at times I disagreed with but for the most agreed with him most of the time.On the eve of the news of the reverand's death I went online and clicked on AOL's comments page and no shocker that most of the comments posted came from cess pool mouthed anti-Rev. Falwell fecal-brained twits that I wouldn't trust to walk my dog.I remember when President Reagan died the very same thing happened evil all kinds of evil remarks coming from the anti-Reagan hateful left.And as always the fiberal media that shields Democrats everyday either ignored it or did very little reporting on it.But had Republicans posted hate comments on let's say the late Senator Wellstone on a blog you can bet your whole years paychecks that Democrats,their talking Monday night quarterbacks,and the MSM would have been hopping mad and had it splashed on every television and in every newspaper and magazine.On 9-11 the news showed Palestinians cheering in the streets when I listen let alone look at the psychos that have taken over the Democratic party they're identical.Grant the Reverand Falwell said things that were over the top but then again I look at Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton all I can think about is "Hymietown" and "Diamond Merchants" and yes even then the media made very little or noise at all during those situations.There's no question that in the end Reverand Falwell got the last laugh on liberals that prove just in their bumbling rants and rambles alone that they loathe everything about this country especially God who rates as public enemy #1 in their eyes.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

More Reports of Saddam ties to Al Qaeda liberal media will not report

One of the phrases that comes out of the loopy left is "Saddam didn't have Al Qeada ties."Well here's yet another report that solidifies the fact that Saddam did infact have Al Qeada ties keep in mind the MSM didn't tell you. Here's the link to the story:

Hat tip: Media Lies and American Thinker

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The death of Joe Applebaum:Another story liberal media ignored because it exposed their radical Islamic buddies

Joe Applebaum a name you most likely didn't hear of much in the news. A man who was taken to Rush North Shore Medical Center for swelling of the stomach which is very treatable.Sadly Mr. Applebaum died the next day and the reason? The doctor assigned to help him Osama Ahmed Ibrahim M.D. saw on his chart(Applebaum's) that he was a Jew and refused to treat him.Here's the story also a website for you to check out: first check out that gives details on this heart-breaking story as well as other interesting items.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Congressman Bill "Frozen Assets" Jefferson and his lawyer trying to keep feds from searching his DC offices for evidence concerning his caase

No big surprise but Louisiana congressman Bill Jefferson and his lawyer Robert Trout are trying to stop the feds from investigating his D.C. offices concerning the 90 grand found in Jefferson's freezer.Here's the link to the story:

Hat tip: Sister Toldjah

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Great Jackie Mason on Bill and Hillary

Gotta hand it to Jackie he hits the nail on the head with Democrats every time!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's expenses for a family trip to a ritzy California resort investigated

Chicago a state that's no stranger when it comes to political corruption. An investigation into Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's expenses for a family trip to a lavish California resort was conducted by Cheif Investigative reporter for Channel 7 Steve Wilson. Here's the link to the story:

Friday, May 11, 2007

Jackie Mason on Keith "Overbite" Oberman

Again Jackie Mason gets it right about Keith "No Ratings" "Overbite"

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Tina Richards: Nancy Pelosi's Cindy Sheehan the liberal media doesn't want you to know about

Apparantly the liberal media doesn't believe that Madame Speaker Pelosi's Cindy Sheehan by the name of Tina Richards a mother of a marine recently released from jail due to her arrest because of her sit-in at the speaker's office isn't worth reporting but the actual Cindy Sheehan going to Texas to protest the war on a a grassy area right next to President Bush's ranch is. Here's the link to the story

Hat tip:Media lies and American Thinker

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Al "No Racist or bigoted remark left behind" Sharpton attacks Mitt Romney and his Religion

He's at it once again people A"I did not make bigoted remarks about that man Mr. Romney" Sharpton has now turned his attacks on Governor and presidential nominee Mitt Romney. As usual he's ranting and raving claiming his words were taken out of context which is typical of him and his fellow Democrats when they get caught red-handed. Here's the video:

Hat tip:Reihl World View and Youtube

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sorry no backsies Obama: Spin it all you want those are your words deal with it!

With the liberals and their sock puppet media still making a huge deal out of President Bush who made a mistake when he said this at the White-tie state dinner during Queen Elizabeth's visit: "The Queen had dined with 10 previous other presidents and helped the United States celebrate it's bicentennial in 1776." Obviously you know by now he right away correced it because all liberal media outlets do what they do best and make it sound as if our president is some illiterate that just fell off the turnip truck.Meanwhile how convienient of them to ignore the fact that President Bush's grades at Yale were much higher than that of their other hero John Kerry who so badly wanted the White House but thankfully never got it.Anyway Barack Hussien Obama who wants to be our Commander in Chief made a gaffe as well concerning the death toll of the horriffic tornado in Kansas. He told supporters at a rally that the tornado claimed 10 thousand lives when in reality the death toll to date was 12 but until conservative bloggers/talk radio and other independant news sources aka the eyes and ears of America pointed this out the inexperienced rookie senator running for president would have never admitted it and the media that constantly shields him and his party from being exposed would have swept it under the mat.Here;s the video:
object width="425" height="350">

Hat tip: WizBang and Youtube

Monday, May 07, 2007

Roy and Niger Innis: True leaders that MLK and Medgar Evers would want blacks to follow

I remember watching the Morton Downey Jr. as a young girl one episode that stuck in my mind even today was the show which featured Roy Innis and Al Sharpton I'm sure millions of Americans remembered that show. I'll never forget how hard I laughed as I watched Roy Innis knock Al Sharpton off his chair wow what a classic show it was! And speaking of Roy Innis wouldn't it be great if instead of blacks being brain-washed by Jackson, Sharpton and their thug buddies they would follow a true black leader like Mr. Innis whose son Niger is a chip off the old block and like his father knows that Jesse Jackson and CO. along with Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton are utilzing blacks not only to enhance their bank accounts but to get their shady politicians into office.For those of you unfamiliar with Mr. Innis here is an article about him afer reading it I'm sure you'll agree as I did long ago that he is who black communities everywhere should follow. Here is the article it's quite long but worth reading:

Father and son two great laaders

Roy Innis was born in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. He moved from the U.S. Virgin Islands to New York City with his mother in 1946 where he attended Stuyvesant High School. At age 16, Innis joined the U.S. Army and at age 18 he received an honorable discharge. He entered a four-year program in Chemistry at City College of New York. He subsequently held positions as a research chemist at Vick Chemical Company and Montefiore Hospital.

Innis joined CORE’s Harlem chapter in 1963. In 1964, he was elected Chairman of the chapter’s education committee and became a forceful advocate of community-controlled education and black empowerment. He led CORE’s fight for an independent Police Review Board to address cases of police brutality. In 1965, he was elected Chairman of Harlem CORE, after which he mounted a vigorous campaign for establishment of an independent Board of Education for Harlem. A proposition to this end was presented to the 1967 New York State Constitutional Convention.

In the spring of 1967, Innis was appointed the first resident fellow at the Metropolitan Applied Research Center (MARC), headed by Dr. Kenneth Clark. In the summer of 1967, he was elected Second National Vice-Chairman of CORE. Also, in 1967, Innis and nine other black men formed the Harlem Commonwealth Council (HCC), an investment corporation whose long-term goal was to create independence and stability in Harlem. As the first Executive Director at HCC, Innis laid the ground work for what has become a highly successful model of economic development in a black community. During that same period, he was the co-editor and founder of the Manhattan Tribune Newspaper.

Innis was elected National Director of CORE in 1968. In the same year, he drafted the Community Self - Determination Bill of 1968 and garnered bipartisan sponsorship of this bill by one-third of the Senate and over 50 congressmen. This was the first time in U.S. history that a bill drafted by a black organization was introduced into Congress.

Responding to the continuing crisis centering on school integration, Innis offered an alternative plan consisting of community control of educational institutions. As part of this effort, in October, 1970, CORE filed an amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in connection with Swann vs the Charlotte Mackleburg Board of Education. Seeking to enhance and build on the black pride movement of the mid-60’s, Innis and a CORE delegation toured seven African countries in 1971. He met with several Heads of State, including Kenya’s Jomo Kenyatta, Tanzania’s Julius Nyerere and Liberia’s William Tolbert. In 1973, Innis became the first American to attend the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in an official capacity. In 1973 he participated in a televised debate with Nobel Physicist William Shockley on the topic of black genetic inferiority.

In 1977, under Innis’ leadership, CORE rescued a South Bronx Catholic school that was about to be closed. Working closely with teachers and parents, he established the CORE Community School with more than 200 students.

Roy Innis’ involvement in criminal justice matters spans his entire career in CORE. Innis’ investigation in the early 80’s led to the uncovering of evidence that Wayne Williams was not solely responsible for the Atlanta Child Murders. His defense of victims’ rights to defend themselves led to his support and involvement in highly publicized cases such as: the "subway gunman," Bernhard Goetz; "subway token booth clerk", James Grimes; the "candyman good Samaritan", Andy Fredericks; the "black Bernie Goetz", Austin Weeks; and the accused "remember me subway shooter" Clemente Jackson. Roy Innis is a nationally known advocate of 2nd amendment rights.

Some of his activities include: investigating and exposing the Tawana Brawley hoax; overseeing and participating in a citizen’s anti-drug campaign, "One Street At A Time"; championing the rights of immigrants; fighting against public indecency and predatory crime in an all-out effort to clean up New York’s crime-ridden streets and subway system. Innis is currently pioneering a multifaceted on-the-job training program for welfare mothers geared to reducing the 1,100,000 welfare roll in New York City.

While colleagues (friends and foes) consider some of his ideas to be controversial, Innis bases his positions always on the sound principles of "truth, logic and courage."

Faithful to this principle, in the 1993 New Your City mayoral primary, Innis challenged incumbent David Dinkins - the first black person to hold that office. His mayoral campaign was the most cost- effective and productive in the history of NY City. He was competitive in over one half of the city’s voting districts, winning a borough and 14 assembly districts outright. The mayor outspent Innis by over 40 to 1.

Innis led teams of prominent Americans to Nigeria in 1996, ‘97 and 1998 to monitor the elections which are part of the transition process from military to civilian rule. He also filed election monitoring reports to both the U.S. Congress and President Clinton. He visited Liberia to assess events during and after the inauguration of President Charles W. Taylor. He visited Sierra Leone to assess recent conditions with ECOMOG troops.

Organizational Affiliations: Member of Boards: The Coalition for Fairness to Africa; The Hudson Institute; Daemen College; American Alliance For Better Schools; Landmark Legal Foundation; National Ethnic Coalition Of Organizations; National Rifle Association; African American Fund For Higher Education; Associate Member: Fraternal Order of Police.


CORE -- Congress of Racial Equality * 817 Broadway 3rd Floor * New York, N.Y. * 10003 * Tel: (212) 598-4000 * Fax: (212) 598-4141

Copyright © 2006 [CORE- Congress of Racial Equality]. All rights reserved.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Military angry at Democrats far exceeds Iraq war death toll

Here is a letter from yet another angry Iraq war veteran Paul Couturier who has had enough of the Democrats every word in his letter is 100% correct and I applaud and support him and all of our brave soldiers that have heard nothing but horrible remarks about them as they constantly put themselves in harms way so that we can enjoy our freedoms that these radical Islamics so hate us for.This letter is very long but well worth the read.
Angry Iraq Vet Says “Enough!”
Filed Under (Military, Iraq War) by Kit Jarrell on May-5-2007
(I received this in an email from one of my readers/listeners. Reprinted with permission.)

My name is Paul Couturier from North Attleboro, MA. I’m a proud Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom (served there with the Massachusetts Army National Guard in 2003-2004, OIF1), and I AM ANGRY!

I’m angry at anti-military Sen. Ted Kennedy for voting AGAINST the now-famous $87 billion, while hypocritically insisting he supports the troops AT THE SAME TIME! I’m angry that he wants to pull the troops out BEFORE the mission is completed! His hypocrisy makes me sick! I have no doubt that his brother President John Kennedy, a Navy hero of WWII, is turning over in his grave in anger over his younger brother’s traitorous hate speech against those currently fighting the war on terrorism!

I’m angry at anti-military Sen. John Kerry for insulting me and my brother and sister OIF vets by insinuating that we are uneducated because we “got stuck in Iraq”! I’m angry at him for also voting against the now-famous $87 billion AFTER he voted for it! I’m angry at him for insulting every Soldier who has been LEGITIMATELY awarded the Purple Heart. He wrote himself up for three Purple Hearts for a few scratches when he was in Vietnam; WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?

I’m angry at my anti-military Congressman, Jim McGovern of Massachusetts 3rd District. I had the opportunity to meet him face-to-face, one-on-one, about a month after I had returned home from Iraq in 2004. He too voted AGAINST the now-famous $87 billion, yet he had the balls to tell me TO MY FACE that he supports the troops! (Fortunately my body armor didn’t depend on that vote!) DID I MISS SOMETHING HERE?

I’m angry at the anti-military media for not reporting the whole story about what is REALLY happening in Iraq! I’m angry that they’re not reporting stories of Iraqi children getting much-needed immunizations by Army medics; of Army engineers repairing roads and other infrastructure; of Soldiers tossing out bottles of water and packaged food items from their passing Humvee’s to hungry children on the side of the road (so much for the UN’s “oil” for “food” program”); of Soldiers going into schools and orphanages to distribute various school supplies, toys, and sports equipment donated by good folks back home. Instead they choose to report the assassinations of American Soldiers to boost their ratings and sell more newspapers. They suck at objective and fair journalism, but are real good at math when it comes to the Soldier body count! (They probably don’t know what the terrorist body count is because I don’t think they can count that high!) I’m convinced that CNN has camera crews sitting out in the middle of the desert just waiting for the next IED to go off, while just down the road they could be filming Iraqi children getting their immunizations from Army medics. Not to mention the fact that there are so many acts of heroism being performed by the troops that aren’t being reported either! At least in southern Iraq, where I was stationed, the people there have welcomed us with open arms!

I’m angry at the gutless, demon-possessed, anti-military extremist cowards in our very own country who are getting a disproportionate amount of media coverage to spread their hate-filled speech (even though they are an extremely small minority). They obviously don’t have any relatives or close friends who were assassinated on 9/11 by brainwashed ragheaded terrorists, because if they did they’d be singing a different tune. They show themselves as the hypocritical cowards that they are by claiming that they support the troops, but not their mission! IMPOSSIBLE! You either support the troops AND their mission, or you don’t; the two cannot be separated! They don’t support the troops; they support their terrorist buddies! They keep on demanding that the troops come home, using the politically correct term of “redeployment”, yet they offer no solutions to end this war on terrorism. Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said it best; quitting is NOT an exit strategy! Their brainwashed hate speech is getting my brothers and sisters assassinated because their ragheaded terrorist buddies have been emboldened by these extremists! I want the troops to come home much more than they do because wars have a tendency to kill people, especially Soldiers! Casey Sheehan must be the most embarrassed Veteran in heaven right now because of the treasonous hatred of anything military his own mother is spreading! I keep track of the more famous celebrity anti-military extremists and go out of my way to not buy their albums or go see their movies. But because I’m a Soldier, I will STILL defend their right to hate and trash me and my brothers- and sisters-in-arms! Unfortunately, they’ve never figured out that this freedom of speech thing has to be done RESPONSIBLY! Fortunately, because these anti-military cowards are a small minority, they tend to stay under the rocks that they live under and only poke their heads out for the occasional anti-military riot or to spread their hatred of all things military in letters to their local newspapers, for example. Of course all they ever do is make babbling fools of themselves but hey, if they want to use their freedom of the press to prove to the rest of us what stupid, brainwashed fools they are, that’s their right!

I’m angry at these bogus “polls” that claim that support for the troops is eroding among the American people. These bogus polls are just that; BOGUS POLLS! Nothing could be further from the truth! Where are these pollsters going to conduct their polls, Code Pink’s offices?

In the three years since I’ve been home from Iraq, I’ve discovered that the American people overwhelmingly continue to support the troops and their mission, and I’ve experienced this personally several times. I proudly wear a blue “Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran” hat wherever I go, and many times strangers have approached me, from airports to my church, to shake my hand or offer me a hug and tell me “Thank You for your service”. Last January I was dining at a local restaurant and an anonymous gentleman gave my waitress $20 towards my family’s dinner bill (he had seen my hat as we were walking in)! In February, I was on a Southwest Airlines flight on a business trip, and to thank me for my service the flight attendant offered me a glass of wine for free, on her! Also in February while on a business trip I had the opportunity to see many Soldiers in the Atlanta airport at the USO there, preparing to return to Iraq from their two weeks R&R leave. I witnessed USO volunteers give each Soldier a care package with various items in it prior to their departure. A lady from the USO was leading them to the terminal where their plane was waiting for them, and just before they entered the main atrium at the airport, she loudly announced “Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s hear it for the United States Armed Forces”. At that point everyone rose and began applauding the troops as they were walking by, just like in the famous Anheuser-Busch TV commercial that’s made it way around the Internet a few million times! (As a side note, CNN’s headquarters are located in Atlanta; take THAT for what it’s worth!)

Occasionally, I’ll write a Letter to the Editor or submit to an interview with reporters from the local news media. The editor of my weekly town newspaper is a troop supporter! Two reporters from the local daily paper, while I can’t pin down their specific feelings and opinions about the war, have been gracious and fair to me whenever they’ve interviewed and questioned me for stories they’ve done; I know they at least value my opinion regarding the war on terrorism as someone who’s actually participated in it as a Soldier. Last year after one letter I wrote, I was viciously attacked the following week by a local anti-military extremist; one of those people who claims to have great admiration for the troops, but doesn’t support their mission. He even managed to insult everyone who displays a yellow ribbon magnet on their cars, denigrating it as a symbol of support for the troops. Yeah right, and I suppose Old Glory is JUST a piece of cloth too! This fools letter attacking me caused one of my neighbors to ask “what was this guy thinking?”

I’ll talk to any fair reporter who’s willing to listen to me so I can continue to tell the American people that there ARE good things happening in Iraq. This whole Democracy thing is still a foreign concept to the Iraqi people, but it’s better than what they had! Even the young United States struggled early in its history with this concept of government of the people, by the people, for the people, as outlined in our Constitution. There are lots of cultural obstacles the Iraqi people have to overcome, but as long as they’re committed to making their new government work, we should help them out. When you see over 70% of eligible people going to vote at the risk of getting shot at or blown up by a roadside bomb, you KNOW the commitment is there!

I’m fortunate to live in a very patriotic and military-friendly community that honors and reveres Soldiers and Veterans (yes, patriotic communities DO exist in liberal Massachusetts!), and the Veterans in my town have an open invitation to march in our annual Memorial Day parade. Every year I dig out my desert camouflage uniform out of the closet for this annual event and proudly march down my town’s downtown street with my brother and sister Veterans from previous wars. I participate every year to show the people of my community that the war on terrorism has a face, and that young (and not-so-young) men and women from our community are participating in this war. Many of us serving are in the National Guard and Reserve components; as a result, their neighbors, classmates, coworkers, and even members of their churches have also participated in this war, putting our lives on hold and leaving our families and our jobs while we keep the nation safe from terrorism.

I’ve also noticed since I’ve been home that the biggest supporters of the troops in this war on terrorism appear to be Vietnam Veterans! You guys are great! You guys more than anyone else have every right to continue to be bitter and angry at the treatment you received upon your return home! Instead, so many of you have chosen to put aside your bitterness and anger to ensure that my generation of veterans doesn’t experience the treatment that your generation of veterans experienced, and for that I am grateful! I was a guest on Kit’s radio blog in April, and a caller who identified himself as a Vietnam Vet and the father of a Soldier currently in Iraq said it best; “you guys are our mission now.” I was just SO humbled upon hearing that, and he meant it!

To all Veterans of previous wars; Thank You for welcoming my generation of Veterans into your fold with open arms!

Once in a blue moon I’ll encounter an anti-military extremist with the guts to take me on. Of course they can NEVER win against me; after all, I’ve actually BEEN to Iraq, and chances are that these traitors have never even served in the military! Once they figure out that they can’t win against me, they usually give up by babbling something stupid like “well, you’re brainwashed”, or “well, we’ll just have to agree to disagree” (to which I respond “no, we’ll just have to agree that I’m right, and you’re wrong!). At that point, I KNOW I’ve defeated them, and eventually they just drift away knowing inside that they’ve been defeated, but will NEVER admit it!

Having served in Iraq myself, I’m extremely proud of the men and women currently serving in the war on terrorism, and they deserve the unconditional love and support of the American people. As long as the troops know that they have the love and support of the American people, they will continue to make us proud. At least two Soldiers from my town are currently serving in Iraq, and I look forward to welcoming them home someday and marching side by side with them in a future Memorial Day parade as fellow Veterans. As for me, I continue to proudly serve in the Massachusetts Army National Guard. I occasionally get asked if I might have to go back to Iraq myself. My answer to that question is this; I hope I don’t have to go back, but if I’m involuntarily ordered to deploy to Iraq again I would go for five reasons; my future stepdaughter Allison (14 yrs old), my nephew Adam (4 yrs old), my niece Jillian (2 yrs old), my nephew Camden (12 yrs old), and an unborn niece or nephew due to be born in June to my brother and sister-in-law. I don’t ever want them and their generation to deal with brainwashed, ragheaded terrorists like the ones that assassinated thousands of innocent people on 9/11! I want them to live in a world free from terrorism. I’d rather fight the terrorists over there NOW, than over here later on!

By the way, have you noticed that since President Bush decided to take the fight to the terrorists, our nation has not been attacked?

I’m extremely encouraged by grass-roots organizations like the Gathering of Eagles and so many others like them. What the Gathering of Eagles did on March 17th was just incredible, and I’m sure it was a huge morale booster for the troops overseas as well. The Wall and other monuments honoring our war dead are worth defending from brainwashed vandals. I’ve been to The Wall in the past, and felt the presence of those on the other side of it. I’ve seen Veterans weeping at the sight of the names of their buddies etched into that black granite. It IS a sacred place. These gutless anti-military extremist cowards are just that; COWARDS! They eventually retreat whenever REAL Americans stand up to them. The troops currently engaged in the war on terrorism are counting on us. They have a mission to carry out and concentrate on; we Veterans and other REAL Americans need to deal with these anti-military fools back here at home for their sake; that’s OUR mission!

I look forward to reading your comments here. You can also email comments to me as well at

May God abundantly bless my brothers and sisters in arms fighting the war on terrorism and their mission, and may God Bless the United States of America, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave!

Paul Couturier

North Attleboro, MA

Proud Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom

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10 Responses to “Angry Iraq Vet Says “Enough!””
Hat tip:Media Lies,Eurphoric Reality

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Joe Biden on Democrats Iraq Surrender Bill if Bush vetoes it:I'll shove it down his throat!"

Here is the video of the unhinged Deleware Senator threatening to shove his party's Iraq Surrender Bill down President Bush's throat if he vetoes it.

Hat tip:NewsBusters