Thursday, May 24, 2007

Probe requested into questionable loan given to Rep. James Moran by ex-lobbyist Terry Lierman Rep Hoyer's newly anointed Maryland DNC Chairman

What is Capital Associated Inc.? It's the company that lobbies for a multiple of clients that have business in front of the House of Representatives. Recently Rep. Hoyer annointed Terry Lierman who once lobbied for this company as Maryland DNC Chairman.According to the Washington Post story below Rep. James Moran(D-VA8) recieved a below market loan from then Capital Associated Inc. lobbyist Mr. Lierman who along with Congressman Moran denies any wrong doing.The probe request by the Congressional Accountability Project founded by Ralph Nadar because possible skull duggery may have taken place.The following House rules are as follows:Federal employees are barred from soliciting gifts or receiving gratuities from people affected by their official actions. House rules also state that members generally may not accept gifts, including personal loans under terms more generous than those available commercially.Here's the link to the story after reading it see if you don't come to the same conclusion as I did:

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