For those of you who've never heard of Nathan Bedford Forrest here's a description of him:
Nathaniel Bedford Forrest (July 13, 1821–October 29, 1877) was a Confederate Army general during the American Civil War. Perhaps the most highly regarded cavalry and partisan (guerrilla) leader in the war, Forrest is regarded by many military historians as that conflict's most innovative and successful general. His tactics of mobile warfare are still studied by modern soldiers. Forrest is also one of the war's most controversial figures. Although he was accused of war crimes at the Battle of Fort Pillow for having led Confederate soldiers in an alleged massacre of unarmed black Union troops, the accusation was later disproven by an 1871 Congressional investigation.
After the war he was alleged to have participated in the founding of the Ku Klux Klan. Despite rumors that he was the first Grand Wizard of the Klan, the Congressional investigation of the Klan in 1871, which included several former Confederate generals, undertaken by Radical Republicans concluded that Forrest did not found the Klan, was not its leader, did not participate in its activities and worked to have it disbanded.[citation needed]
Mr. Forrest clearly a was a life long Democrat and huge racist and is also one of the founders of the KKK who crowned him Grand Wizard but you didn't hear this from the liberal media that suggested Senator Lott was a racist because of a statement taken out of context then made racist from his statement during Senator Thurmond's 100th birthday. It was in the KKK'S magazine "The Kourier Magazine" during 1928 on page 21 that Nathan Forrest wrote these words:
"I have never voted for any man who wasn't a regular Democrat. My father... never voted for any man who wasn't a Democrat. My grandfather was head of the Ku Klux Klan in reconstruction days... My great-grandfather was a life-long Democrat... My great-grandfather was... one of the founders of the Democratic party."
When we see Democrats campaign we see them usually in front of cameras with blacks surrounding them even after seeing and hearing endless stories of how this group of dysfunctional people that are die hard racists that utilize blacks just to get their votes. There's a book out called A Short History of Reconstruction and the author is Dr. Eric Foner a prominant liberal historian I'm going to buy it and I urge all of you to do the same.
Hat tip: National Black Republican Association AKA NBRA, Powell's books and Wikipedia
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