I watched Hannity and Colmes tonight one of their guests was Yawn! Carl Bernstein the ultra liberal journalist whose only claim to fame was writing about Watergate which bought it to America's attention resulting in President Nixon resigning.And speaking of Watergate and scandals I haven't heard a peep concerning Soxgate or the name Sandy Burglar out of Bernstein's mouth but according to liberals even though Burger Bill Clinton's National Security Advisor getting caught shoving highly important classified documents in his socks and jacket is a crime but Watergate is still a far worse crime and that Nixon not Burger would've went to jail.Getting back to Hannity and Colmes Bernstein was plugging his book A Woman in Charge: The Life of Hillary Clinton interestingly throughout the discussion he talked about his criticisms of the first woman president wannabe but in the end proudly said he would vote for her. That's the typical Carl Bernstein for you typical Democrat doesn't care if it's John Wayne Gacey.Gary Ridgeway(Green River Killer),John Couey or Dennis Rader( BTK killer)as long as have a D and not an R next to their name he'll vote for them.And just because he broke the Watergate scandal that led to President Nixon resigning Bernstein like most liberals thinks they're huge authorities and that it's either their way or the high way and nobody is allowed to criticise them don't dare don't even think about it.But I long ago realized why Carl Bernstein loathes Republicans
and America his parents Al and Sylvia Bernstein who were members of the American Communist Party were black listed and like Sean Penn Bernstein blames America and the Republican party. Here's a link on Bernstein's biography:
Both Bernstein and Penn need to admit that it was their Communist parent(s) fault and not America's as to why they were black listed.
Hat tip:spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk
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