So Michael Bloomberg is leaving the GOP I say good riddance! I mean it's not like he's hurting Republicans it's Democrats who will be hurting why? The currant Mayor of New York a life-long Democrat who switched to GOP to become the Mayor to which he obviously did but were it not for America's Mayor Rudy Bloomberg would've lost is going to the Independant party. As time progressed and Mayor Rudy out of office but doing speaking engagements it didn't take tarrot cards to come to the conclusion that Mr. Bloomberg was and will always be a weak politician reverting back to his old socialist liberal ways.Signing a a huge smoking ban which in effect caused millions of NY smokers to be up in arms as they should be. I like Mayor Bloomberg am a former smoker however unlike the Mayor I refuse to stand by and allow him and the rest of his tobacco-hating Democratic party that no question is to blame for sky high prices of tobacco products to make America totally smoke free.Perhaps if Mayor Bloomberg along with his socialist party that loathe capitalism and success but cheer for communism which is exactly what the smoking-ban law signed by Mr. Bloomberg is took all that energy to help President Bush and Republicans fight terrorism the NY Mayor would then start earning some respect. By leaving the Republican party Bloomberg actually believes he's hurting them the liberal media also believes it as well but as usual the party who constantly calls our president a moron at any given chance they get continue to prove to Americans that they don't have any brains because if they did they'd realize it's them Bloomberg is hurting but don't tell the liberal media that.
Her'es a link from Wikipedia on NY Mayor Bloomberg:
Although a lifelong Democrat, he ran on the Republican ticket ballot and was elected mayor in 2001, and was re-elected to a second term in 2005. He is frequently mentioned as a possible independent candidate for the 2008 presidential election and fueled that speculation when he left the Republican party in June of 2007.
Note: The above paragraph from Wikipedia's Michael Bloomberg biography is in yellow to remind my readers especially the liberal ones who didn't know Bloomberg was a lifelong Democrat before switching to the Republican party.
Hat tip: Wikipedia
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