Tuesday, November 21, 2006

BBC: The brand name toilet paper all Bush/America -hating ,Saddam loyalist Brittish trust

BBC:The #1 most trusted toilet paper of all -America/Bush-hating Saddam loyalist Brittish
Hello everyone I'm back after a well-deserved break and with the 2006 election just eleven days away I'm good ,ready and excited because I have all the confidence that Republicans will retain the house and senate.For the record I always thought from the beginning when the left started getting cocky by claiming victory when the election isn't even here yet and no votes have been cast that Republicans had nothing to fear for this is just another re-peat of 2004 and 2002 where Democrats and their media did exactly then what they are doing now and that is pre-maturally claiming victory. And speaking of the liberal media here is yet another bogus story(hat tip to http://newsbusters.org/) put out by none other the BBC( Brittish Bull Crap) so you see folks the cut and run party whether it's the NYT,CNN,BBC, Al-Jazeera have endless means of getting their propaganda out. Here is the direct link to the original story http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/6086064.stm and here the link to the doctored story http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/default.stm liberal bias the Brittish way

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