Sunday, July 01, 2007

Liberal media will report little or ignore deaths of 5 Fairport cheerladers because whining about one dead soldier per month in Iraq more important

Tragedy has struck both at Fairport H.S. and Bloomfield NY after 5 cheerleaders were killed when their SUV crashed into a tractor trailer.Needlesstosay our hearts go out to the family and friends of these beautiful young girls that left us far too early may God bless and hold each of them,their families and friends.Now this is just one incident,one city in one state imagine how many people were killed in all other cities in other states if 5 people from each and every county in every state were to get killed each day that figure would more than exceed the number of soldiers getting killed in Iraq. Which brings me to my next subject of how the liberal media will treat this or not my gut tells me that they will do very little or no reporting at all because to them it's not a big deal but reporting on one soldier or civilian per month getting killed is worth reporting.Here's a link to this horrible tragic accident:

Hat tip:ABC News

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