Monday, November 05, 2007

Surprise:Former city Commissioner arrested for lewd sexual conduct and exposed sexual organ Democratic party affiliation omitted

When news of Senator Larry Craig's alleged bathroom ordeal came out the liberal media acted as if they were experiencing an orgasm which is how they re-act every time they report anything bad for Republicans. Former Commissioner Mike Shallow who happens to be a Democrat was caught,arrested and charged with lewd sexual conduct and sexual organ exposure in an upstairs Sears men's bathroom in a mall but as usual you had to read about this in the bloggers because neither Chris Matthews,Katie Couric,Matt Laur,Keith Olberman and the rest of the Bush-hating media have the guts to report it because it involves one of their precious party members.Here is the link to the article:

Note:Mike. Shallow's picture is right above David Behringer's

Hat tip:Macsmind and

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