Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Anal Al:"Reagan and Bush Sr. knew of Saddam's terror ties and WMDS and hid them!"

Anal Al actually believes everything he says and even though he's been proven a liar over and over the ex-vice nut case continues to babble on and sadly there are people out there that believe him. Thongs Al has said whether currant or in the past have been contradicted and proven wrong. In this video you'll a much younger Al admitting to an audience that Saddam had terrorist ties and possessed WMDS then he goes into his Reagan knew Bush41 knew and Bush 43 knew etc.. The only differences between this Al and Al of today is ignoring the fact that everything he said in this video was his words not President GWB's another is the typical "It's Bush's fault!" one thing you won't see is Anal Al screeching at the top of his voice and acting like a madman.

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