Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Another tragic drunk driving death meanwhile anti-tobacco groups continue to ignore alchohol dangers and carry on with their war on cigarettes

No way am I condoning smoking but as a former smoker I stand with them because there is a movement in this country to do away with tobacco totally from criminalizing it to getting tobacco companies and any business that sells tobacco products to close. These anti-tobacco groups better known as Democrats along with frivilous lawsuit fiends attorneys and their client(s) that are suing for the sole purpose of staying out of work(looking for a free ride) and a nice hefty bank account made possible by the blood of smokers,tobacco companies and establishments. The strikes against smokers are attrocious California no shocker may pass law that restricts smokers to their cars. The hypocritcal part of all this is the people advocating for these reject laws that clearly are a part of dictorial agenda are the very same ones that want marijuana de-criminalized. You know if these anti-smoking groups, their memebers and lawmakers took all the energy they're using to pass strict laws that are for the good of their state starting with child molestors,rapists,murderers, habitual law breakers,drunk drivers and illegal aliens along with fighting terrorism they just might earn the respect of the American people. And speaking of drunk driving it's baffling how alchohol that's caused more deaths per year than U.S. soldiers getting killed in Iraq mind you those numbers are fudged by the left and their friends in the media. Which brings us to the subject of the nincompoop left,their sympothisers on the right,knee jerk politicians and organizations as well as their talking bobbleheads either refusing to rail against alchohol or by just barely talking about strict laws against it. As long as I can rememeber cigarettes and not alchohol is the only bad habit coming under fire. Don't get me wrong I'm in no way suggesting for people to and start sueing alchohol companies.What I am saying is that I would like it very much to hear Democrats, their groups,politcians and talking heads that are clearly the culprits behind these ridicculous anti-smoking laws to at least admit that drunk drivers are extremely dangerous not only to other drivers but to themselves as well. Here is a story from The Huntsville Times about a young girl who was killed back in 2003 by an 18 year old drunk driver the sentence that this judge passed down as punnishment will infuriate you as it did me here is the link to the story: http://www.al.com/news/huntsvilletimes/index.ssf?/base/news/117377753458010.xml&coll=1#continue

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