Friday, March 23, 2007

Bet the farm that the Liberal media ignores or reports very little on the U.S Census's flubbed-up figures on uninsured Americans

For the past years I've been saying that the numbers on uninsured Americans was are greatly inflated or as the U.S Census is saying in this latest report:"overstated" just another one of those fancy smancy Bureaucratic cover-up words to use in place of the real reason which is " We made an error in our tally of uninsured Americans that we've been reporting for the last decade."In this report you'll read about a revised total of 44.8 million as opposed to the 46.6 million(the wrong figures) that's been reported. And even though we now have an updated total how do we know that these tallies aren't wrong? The fact is we don't and will never know just exactly how many uninsured Americans there but magically the liberal media will have the exact numbers and present them to be true. However with this latest story I would wager my paychecks for the next two years that the media that constantly froths because they think they have the goods on President Bush will either ignore this story or do very little reporting on it and when they do expect them to spin it towards the advantage of the Democratic party.

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