Thursday, March 08, 2007

Just a reminder:Democrats saying Saddam had WMDs

As the "Bush lied about Saddam's WMDs" crowd continues on with their mission of ways to destroy and embarrass the president and our country. And how quick they try to deter the minds of the American people away from the fact that many of their politicians said the same thing(s) and yet they still stand directly behind them especially their hero Bill Clinton who had the gall to tell Chris Wallace "Get that smirk off your face!" and admitted what's been known for years when he said "I failed to get Bin Laden" because he did. Here are some classic videos of Democrats who said Saddam had WMDs yet are now calling President Bush a liar:

1 comment:

Strider said...

Your blog is a breath of fresh air! I will mention this page on my blog, and hopefully my few readers will get their news from you.