Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Two Sudanese women sentenced to death by stoning for adultery yet Rosie and Mavis Leno run and hide

Two Sudanese women were sentenced to death by stoning because they were found guilty of adultery.When an American woman is found guilty of adultry thankfully the end result most of the time is either forgiveness or divorce rather than pysical abuse or murder. When I read this story:,22049,21420283-5001021,00.html I wondered if Rosie O' Donnell who spewed that she felt bad for Khalid ShiekhMohammed AKA KSM and believed that he had no 9-11 involvement. She then attacked her Conservative co-host Elizabeth Hasselbeck for calling Khalid Sheikh Mohammed a terrorist claiming it robs him of his humanity. Of course this is just your typical liberals showing just how much they support their terrorist friends and how bad they loathe America the country that gives them the freedom to say anything at any given time they please mind you insulting is the only these wogs do best because to ask questions like"Rosie how do you feel about those 2 Sudanese women about to be stoned to death because they committed adultry?" But then again asking questions to Rosie that requires a direct honest answers is like trying to get Dan Rather to admit that the Kinko copied President Bush National Guard documents that he thought the American people would buy into are fake. Instead she's worried about the well being of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed a terrorist, and could care less if these two women die.And I wonder just how Mavis Leno wife of Tonight Show's Jay Leno who was advocating for getting Afghan women freed and now that they're free what about these 2 women and why haven't we seen Mavis on TV concerning the Iraqi women and how she now feels that Saddam Hussein,his henchmen and even more blood thirstier sons Uday and Qusay have been exterminated for good. Don't get me wrong I think Mavis's heart is in the right place however, she has yet to say how she feels about the Iraqi women that are now free.My guess is that like her husband Jay she's a liberal and even though both will never admit it you just know they are. I remember the days when Jay Leno constantly threw his mean-spirited remarks at Linda Tripp and now he's doing it with President Bush and what's worse while we're at war. That type of behavior is not only supports terrorism, it's unpatriotic and de-moralizes our troops the very ones responsible for Mr. Leno's freedoms.

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