Friday, March 02, 2007

Iraq,Anna Nicole,Walter Reed, tornados: Further proof the myopic liberal media has an obsession with lies ,hating Bush,death and destruction

Before I get started on what's going on in Washington and around the globe let me first start off by saying RIP Anna Nicole Smith who was finally laid to rest today. Originally I wasn't going to discuss Anna's death which turned into a huge circus thanks to the media who should have had a gag and ban order put on them by the judges or at the very least high officials associated with the case.Now that she is laid to rest and the constant bickering over where her body should be buried is over for now at least don't count on the liberal media letting it go until developments surface. And speaking of dead bodies notice that the Bush-hating media has done very little reporting on the deaths concerning the recent tornadoes? Of course this isn't shocking to hear constant reports about U.S. soldiers or Iraqis getting killed in Iraq while keeping the tornado death report toll to a bare minimum or better yet don't report it at all.Now with the latest reports on Walter Reed Hospital the if it bleeds it leads ,hate Bush /America/U.S military /Saddam loyalist media and their ilk have something else to brainwash the American people with and oh how they are spinning it!. Recently Bill(Moron) Maher said that he was "Sorry that the assassination attempt on Dick Cheney failed" NewsBusters link with video included to the story and this mental case continues to ask why his show was yanked from regular TV and shoved on HBO a once respected cable channel. After the tornado hit the school in Enterprise,Alabama one reporter asked the reporter on the scene this typical anal question: "Were there any bodies pulled out?"Then as I predicted the usual half-baked question "How do you feel?" was asked to either an eye witness or victim of the tornado. Nothing surprises me with the media anymore nowadays, unless there is blood-shed,death and destruction it isn't worth mentioning in their view. Even with their viewership and subscribers fleeing from them faster than David Geffen backing Obama instead of Hillary that has scads of hard liberal supporters especially Hollywood running far from her due to the fact that she is trying to pony up support from both the anti-war crowd and pro-war crowd but guess what nobody is buying into it and duh as if we couldn't have guessed it. I can prove endless cases that the main stream media isn't on America's side and wants total failure in Iraq and the war on terror mostly, but the majority of this country is well-aware of it. The fact that they continue to turn to alternative news sources from outlets that give both sides of the story and not just one to talk radio and blogs etc... backs up what most of us media hawks have been saying for years that news stations,papers and magazines we trusted to bring us the truth was corrupt all along with liars and turncoats who deceive us everyday at any given minute.Because they chose this path to go down Americans now have other places they can go to get the facts and until they clean up their act(yeah right) we the truth seeking bloggers will be right here to report on it because unlike the fossilized media we care about each and every American citizen.

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